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汤姆在找新工作。他希望干个轻松的工作。Tom is looking for a new job. He hopes to take a cushy job.

“但他们并没有把我送进个好点儿医院,”托尼接着说。"But they didn't send me to some cushy hospital, " Tony continued.

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在创业型的企业,如果什么出了差错,没有轻松的安全网。In a start-up, there’s no cushy safety net if something goes wrong.

在你的酒店房间里找一个柔软的小枕头,爱米莉会演示如何做。Get a cushy little pillow in your hotel room, Em is gonna show you how to do it.

人生很短——每卷多花25美分去买用起来很舒服的三层厕纸。Life's too short–spend the extra 25 cents per roll on the three-ply cushy stuff.

即使他的比赛打得轻松,但缺乏看点的比赛,我还是放放。And even though he does have a cushy draw, his lack of match play gives me pause.

他没有选择一份清闲的工作,而是到一家国有制造厂选择了一个富有挑战的职位。He chose a challenging position at a state-owned manufacturer rather than a cushy job.

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两个大轮子,经典设计的车架、前后挡泥板、舒适的车座和上扬的手把。Two big wheels, classic frame, front and rear fenders , cushy seat, upright handlebars.

那么就不要和那些想要稳定、轻松的生活,而且想要总是黏在一起的人结婚。Then don't marry someone who wants a stable, cushy life and lots of "quality time" together.

轻松的肩带和软特里科内衬解剖上正确的腰带给你一个定制适合。Cushy shoulder straps and a soft tricot lined anatomically correct hip belt gives you a custom fit.

我离开了警戒区,并在距离体育场不远处的一个大酒店内观看了开幕式。I left the cordoned-off area and caught the ceremony in the lobby of a big, cushy hotel not far from the stadium.

当有人说学好英文有利于找到好工作时,此人多半不预期听者会对这种老生常谈击节赞赏。Anyone advising that learning English can help secure a cushy job is certainly not expecting any recognition for such banality.

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其实,他想了一个少年在一个轻松的皮椅,他穿的慢跑鞋搁董事表上的是懒散。Actually, he is slouched like a teenager in one of the cushy leather chairs, his worn jogging shoes resting on the directors' table.

直到有一天,爱鹿特出现带他进入了森林,而这时,打猎季节也即将开始了…。Boog's cushy life is turned upside down when he finds himself stranded in the woods with Elliot, a mule deer, during the hunting season.

以“我穿着它,是因为我的脚觉得很舒服”作为借口是不行的,有很多好看而舒适的平底鞋等着你选择呢。The excuse of "I just don't want my feet to hurt" simply doesn't fly anymore, when there are so many wonderful and cushy flats to choose from.

当然,林肯MKS、别克新君越CXS和现代Genesis都有舒适的内饰和高科技的电子设备,使长途旅行成为一种享受。Still, the Lincoln MKS, Buick LaCrosse CXS and Hyundai Genesis all have cushy interiors and high-tech electronics that make long trips a pleasure.

他最后且大概是最慷慨的金主法兰西斯一世提供了他一个相当轻松的工作、一份优沃的薪水和一栋位于昂布瓦斯皇室附近的庄园。His last and perhaps most generous patron, Francis I provided Leonardo with a cushy job, including a stipend and manor house near the royal chateau at Amboise.

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玛丽的父亲“在卡罗有份舒适的工作”,但她任职学校老师的母亲却在对利物浦的大轰炸中被撤离,先到了柴郡,然后到北威尔士。Mary's father had "a cushy number in Cairo", but her schoolteacher mother was evacuated from the Blitz in Liverpool, first to Cheshire and then to north Wales.

这是一个外型古怪的椅子,被称为太阳系椅子,也许是因为它可以坐在那些长的象行星一样的圆球上面的缘故。This is one weird-looking seat, called the Solar System Chair, perhaps because it lets you sit on cushy balls shaped like some of those nutty planets out there.

我最终把这一现象归咎于他们希望把自己置身于“中国全是他们的”这样一个美妙的幻想中,而忽略我的存在可以帮助他们保持这个自我安慰的幻想。I eventually decided that they wanted to subscribe to the cushy illusion that China was all theirs, and trying not to recognize my presence could help maintain that comforting illusion.