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本沃利奥哭你的好心受到压抑。BENVOLIO At thy good heart's oppression.

压迫逼得他们公开造反。Oppression drove them into open rebellion.

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既然夜里我挣不脱白天的压迫。When day's oppression is not eased by night.

哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗。Where there is oppression there is resistance.

偏见和压迫现在不受惩罚地发生。Prejudice and oppression now occurs with impunity.

权威的压制削弱了理解。The oppression of authority cripples understanding.

他住在山庄成了一种没法解释的压迫。His abode at the Heights was an oppression past explaining.

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王小波同样反对在“大众”名义下进行的压迫。WangXiaoBo also opposed the oppression in name of "public".

你为何掩面,不顾我们所遭的苦难,和所受的欺压。Why do you hide your face and forget our misery and oppression?

高度的迫害在那缺德的人家实现了。The ideal of oppression was realized by this sinister household.

防止胎儿周围局部的机械性压迫。Prevents around the embryo the partial mechanicalness oppression.

他献身于反法西斯和反压迫的战争。He devoted his life to the struggle against fascism and oppression.

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要人家服,只能说服,不能压服。We have to convince others by persuasion rather than by oppression.

娜塔莉看法是“让月亮消失”是一个欺压行为。Natalie agreed that discontinuing the moon was an act of oppression.

求你救我脱离人的欺压。我要遵守你的训词。Redeem me from the oppression of men, that I may obey your precepts.

使莎士比亚的自我主权心志,遭到了綦重繁重榨取。So that Shakespeare's own sovereignty will, Been a heavy Oppression.

他有了工作,收入不菲,一下从我的压迫下解放了。He has been working, well-paid, about the oppression of my liberated.

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这一政策的实质是民族压迫和民族同化。The essence of such a policy is national oppression and assimilation.

国家坚决反对任何形式的民族歧视和压迫。China firmly opposes ethnic discrimination and oppression in any form.

北朝鲜早前曾宣称六方会谈是压迫朝鲜的工具。North Korea has previously said those talks were a tool of oppression.