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我在巴士比高中已四年了。I have been at Busby High School for four years.

巴斯比说,“也许他漂得太远,听不到我们的声音。”"Maybe he's already drifted too far to hear, " Busby said.

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巴斯比全力以赴重建了球队,并使查尔顿成为球队基石。Busby rebuilt his side as best he could and made Charlton the cornerstone.

即使有几个像汤米·泰勒这样买进的巴斯比宝贝也是本土球员。Although some of the Busby Babes—like Tommy Taylor—were bought in, several were homegrown.

马特巴斯比爵士率领曼联从慕尼黑的废墟中崛起并培养出了拥有贝斯特、劳和查尔顿的曼联黄金一代。Sir Matt Busby built the United side of Best, Law and Charlton from the wreckage of Munich.

所以毫无疑问的是在1955年阿伦比·奇尔顿离开后,马特·巴斯比爵士把队长袖标交给了他。So no surprise that Sir Matt Busby appointed him to succeed Allenby Chilton as captain in 1955.

自从马特·巴斯比爵士1945年加入球队以来,这种管理模式在俱乐部内得到大力推广并且流传至今。This style of management has been largely prevalent since Sir Matt Busby joined the club in 1945.

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不谈这个,弗爵爷和马特·巴斯比爵士在曼联133年的俱乐部历史里执教了曼联半个多世纪。Between them, he and Sir Matt Busby have managed the club for half a century of its 133-year history.

那是一个伟大的夜晚,曼联经过加时赛4-1大胜对手为巴斯比爵士获得了冠军。On another night of great emotion, United triumphed 4-1 after extra-time to win the European Cup for Busby.

在老特拉福德这是肯定的,因为这是段传奇,马特·巴斯比爵士开创了这个时代,阿历克斯爵士继承了这一切。It will at Old Trafford, because that is the legacy that Sir Matt Busby laid down and passed on all the way to Sir Alex.

对于查尔顿,巴斯比和球队中另一名空难幸存者,守门员比利•福尔克斯来说,这是让人无比动容的一刻。For Charlton, Busby and goalkeeper Billy Foulkes, the other crash survivor still in the team, it was a deeply emotional moment.

网站把巴斯比称为“兄弟巴斯比”,而“兄弟”一词被摩门教徒用作称呼那些和他们有共同信仰的男性。The website referred to Busby as "Brother Busby," with "brother" being a term used by Mormons to refer to males sharing their faith.

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埃尔南德斯在曼联度过了一个现象级的赛季,他获得了巴斯比爵士年度最佳球员奖。Javier Hernandez has capped a phenomenal debut season for United by scooping the prestigious Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year Award.

他也是当初初始的巴斯比宝贝之一,并且他奇迹般的从慕尼黑空难中生还,并且在那之后他一度放弃了他的职业生涯打算就此挂靴。He was one of the original Busby Babes and, by a miracle, survived the Munich disaster, after which he contemplated giving up the game.

跟随马特-巴斯比爵士的脚步,弗格森爵士重建了俱乐部的青训系统,并使之成为世界最佳。Following in the footsteps of the late Sir Matt Busby , Sir Alex has redeveloped the club's youth set-up into arguably the best in the world.

空难以后,不屈不挠的巴斯比围绕着查尔顿又组建了一支全新的曼联,并在十年之后勇夺欧洲俱乐部冠军。Out of that wreckage, Busby eventually rebuilt a mesmerizing team around Charlton, which went on to triumph in the European Cup a decade later.

不过对于曼联来说,马特·巴斯比爵士才是青训之父,他建立的曼联青年学院这种培养年轻球员的传统也一直延续至今。However, it could be argued that Sir Matt Busby was the father of youth development with a tradition now captured by the Manchester United Academy.

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和巴斯比一样出生于工人阶级的苏格兰人弗格森来自于格拉斯哥的高文港区,此地一直位列欧洲最暴力城区之列,民风彪悍。Ferguson — a working-class Scot, like Busby — came from Glasgow's Govan docks, the toughest quarter of what is consistently among the most violent cities in Europe.

比尔特摩酒店拥有该国体积最大的酒店游泳池——70万加仑水,经常举办巴斯比·伯克利式的水上表演和潜水比赛。Holding 700,000 gallons of water, the Biltmore is the largest hotel pool in the country, and often features Busby Berkeley-style water shows and high dive competitions.

布莱汉姆青年大学的教授迪安.巴斯比研究了2035个19岁到71岁的已婚人士,他们中有结婚6个月以内的,也有超过20年以上的。Professor Dean Busby of Brigham Young University had studied 2,035 married people ranging in age from 19 to 71, married from less than six months to more than 20 years.