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小猪,小猪,跳起舞。Pig, oig, dance a jig.

这是最后的一场舞了。This is all but the last jig.

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我知道你不会在乎的,吉格。I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig.

快步跃舞向黄蜂。To dance a jig for the bumblebee.

他给跳舞的猪挠痒痒。He tickled the pig who danced a jig.

我也用这个,我临别工具夹具。I also use this jig for my parting tool.

我建立的这轮修整夹具。I built this jig for dressing the wheel.

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我的诗章像快步舞或快跑一样旅行。My verses shall trip ye a jig of a fling.

我的诗章像快步舞或快跑一样旅行。My verses shall trip ye a jig or a fling.

母鸡边叫边跳,她又跳到了一头正扒着的猪的身上。So the hen danced a jig and sat on a pig.

我们要抓一头猪并牵着它玩。We'll catch a pig and dance a little jig.

我们抓一只猪和吉克跳舞。We'll catch a pig, and dance a little jig.

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他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate.

我使用的快速参考夹具的一面。I use the side of the jig for quick reference.

采用标准节主弦杆焊胎可调措施,保证焊后尺寸。A adjustable weld jig is suggested to assure the size.

所有的零件都是用夹具和环形锯手工切割的。Everything was cut-out by hand with jig and band saws.

他蹒跚地走到屋子中间欢快地迈步起舞。HoBBling to the middle of the floor he did a merry jig.

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我有一个西德史提尔公司制作的夹具,专门用来剪琴品。I have a jig to cut my frets, made by Stihl in Germany.

在这第一峰,您可以看到夹具的主要部分。In this first pic you can see the main part of the jig.

我几乎已经忘掉了怎么说笑话,怎么跳快步舞了。I've nearly forgotten how to make a joke or dance a jig.