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你明天去天津吗?Are you going to Tianjing tomorrow?

你明天去天津市吗?Bre you going to Tianjing tomorrow?

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杰姆昨天到天津旅行去了。Jim traveled to Tianjing yesterday.

到天津的飞机票价要多少钱?How much is the air fair to Tianjing?

北京距离天津驱车一小时的路程。Beijing is an hour's drive from Tianjing.

我既不想去天津也不想去上海。I don't want to go to Tianjing or Shanghai.

我想参观天津或者上海。I want to visit either Tianjing or Shanghai.

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这些新车是1994年在天津生产的。These new cars were made in Tianjing in 1994.

今天有到天津的长途汽车票吗?。Is there any long-distance bus tickets to Tianjing today?

相反,天津建成区却是迅速扩张的。In contrast, the urban built up area of Tianjing city expanded quickly.

奥运之年对于经历了风雨历程的天津伊利萨尔来说是具有转折意义的一年。Olympic year is the milestone for Tianjing Irizar after suffering wind and rain.

说到英王,我们不能不联想到著名的天京事故。Speaking of the king of England, we have to associate the famous the Tianjing incident.

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苗青,石家庄人氏,就读于天津音乐学院舞蹈系。Miao Qing comes from Shijiazhuang, is currently studying dance at Tianjing College of Music.

建都天京是太平天国的理想与现实选择,也是一个具有决定性意义的历史转折点。Founding its capital in Tianjing was an ideal and realistic choice to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

该工程位于天津大港发电厂内,建筑的平面构思为一个电力符号。The building located in the tianjing dago n power station and us floor plane means a eleetron mark.

我2008年毕业于天津医科大学,大学本科所学习的专业是临床医学。I graduated from Tianjing Medical University in 2008, and obtained my bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine.

最后,在前文分析的基础上提出了天津城市居住形态未来的发展趋势。Finally, it predicates the developing trend of the urban residential morphology in Tianjing on the basis of the above analysis.

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介绍了天津市抓住机遇,推进教育装备跨越式发展的实践经验。This article introduces Tianjing City's ex peri-ence of seizing opportunities to press educational equipment spanning development.

长庆气田是向京津地区供气的基地,净化厂正常运行至关重要。Changqing Gas Field is the base to deliver gas to the areas of Beijing and Tianjing. It is very important for purification plants running normally.

麾下拥有数码影像、全景奇画、广告装饰等优秀创意产业,成为我国创意产业中的一颗明珠。Under Commander have a digital photo, tianjing extra meridian, ad decoration outstanding creative industries become the creative industries in a Pearl.