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他正嚼着一块嚼不烂的肉。He is chewing a rubbery piece of meat.

它的皮肤摸起来坚韧有弹性,像一只老式的热水袋的表面。Its skin felt rubbery and firm like an old fashioned hot water bottle.

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巨大的脑袋,橡皮唇,张开的是自然界最大的嘴巴。Possesses a large head with rubbery lips that open one of nature's largest mouths.

他的骨骼尚未坚硬,现在还是由弹性软骨组成的。The bones in his skeleton have not yet hardened and currently consist of rubbery cartilage.

弥漫性肺泡损伤,病变的肺组织比较坚韧、有弹性。Here is an example of diffuse alveolar damage in which the lung is diffusely firm and rubbery.

在地球上被找到作为唯一,橡皮覆盖物浓缩行星的认为水。Think of the water that's found on Earth as a single, rubbery covering that encapsulates the planet.

梅毒瘤一种小的橡胶肉牙瘤,中心坏死,周围包裹著一层发炎的纤维状外囊。A small, rubbery granuloma that has a necrotic center and is enclosed by an inflamed, fibrous capsule.

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他那似橡胶我眼神,对狂野和极至的酷爱,令他名声远扬,乐此不疲。His rubbery look, and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in.

这些橡胶材料制作的随手贴可以贴在各种表面上,这样的话,你就可以拿起你的淋浴头,把它安放在你想要的地方,随手贴。Designed by Sun-ah Sin, these stickers are made from a rubbery material that will stick to any surface.

他那有弹性臀部在木楼梯上颠簸的虚拟物理效果营造出效果逼真的跳跃动作。The simulated physics of his rubbery rear end bouncing against the wooden stairs generates realistic hops.

这是干练的协助下,由滑液这是所产生的滑膜,上述胶状层。It is ably assisted by the synovial fluid which is produced by the synovium , the aforementioned rubbery layer.

PU和PUA橡胶相的加入,使复合树脂的耐热稳定性略有降低。The stability of heat-resistance of composite resins decreased a little with the adding of PU or PUA rubbery phase.

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慎重其事地一次取出一样食材,即使它只是一个不新鲜的汤块或者一颗像橡胶般的红萝卜。Bring out each item at a time, very ceremoniously, even if it is only an old stock cube or a rubbery carrot or such.

通过往橡皮状种子胶乳中分批加入“玻璃状”单体,则不能得到所要求的多相结构。Thedesired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition ofthe glassymonomer to the rubbery seed latex.

薯片不像脂肪那样多脂、有弹性,他们很脆并像生菜一样易碎,那证明他们是低热量食品。Potato chips aren't rubbery and blubbery like fat, they're crispy and crunchy like lettuce, that proves they're diet food!

正当你希望黏液变得更具流动性和含有更多水分的时候,抗组织胺物质把它变为像橡胶一样的葡萄干和塞子。Just when you wish the mucus would become more liquid and more watery, antihistimines turn it to rubbery raisins and plugs.

薯片不象脂肪多脂、有弹性,而是象莴笋一样脆甜,所以证明它是减肥食品。Potato chips aren't rubbery and blubbery like fat . they're crispy and crunchy like lettuce. that proves they're diet food!

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中分批加入“玻璃状”单体,则不能得到所要求的多相结构。The desired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition of the glassy monomer to the rubbery seed lattx.

这些键盘不仅防水,还足够大,能让你在打字时用上你所有的手指,而且足够的牢固以至于你能把它们绑起来存放。They’re big enough to let you type with all your fingers, water resistant, and rubbery so you can roll them up for storage.

土豆片不象脂肪那么有弹性和多脂的,却象莴苣那么香酥又清脆,这就证明它是健康食品!Potato chips aren't rubbery and blubbery like fat. They are crispy and crunchy like lettuce. That proves they are diet food.