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一个大的沃尔玛就要消耗一兆瓦的电能。A large Wal-Mart draws about one megawatt.

一兆瓦是电力的瞬间衡量指标。A megawatt is an instantaneous measure of power.

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今天的超级计算机消耗超过5兆瓦的电力。Today’ upercomputer conume more than 5 megawatt of power.

它是一座880百万瓦水力发电站的主要动力来源。It is the power behind a 880 megawatt hydroelectric generating station.

现在,这是一些大略的参数,1000百万瓦特。Now these are some parameters for roughly a thousand megawatt electric plant.

那些希望看到克鲁尼诙谐戏谑和招牌的电力十足微笑的观众们要失望了。Those expecting Clooney’s usual witty banter and megawatt smile will be disappointed.

他们还说,建造发电能力百万瓦特的大帆船没有问题。They also say it should be possible to build larger ships capable of generating up to 1 megawatt.

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最神圣的是,涡轮发电机可以发出高达60兆瓦的非常电。The holy of holies – turbogenerator which produces the very electricity. It's power is 60 megawatt.

该公司预计,在全部完工后,每一个兆瓦级装机容量可以向650户家庭供电。The company calculates that at full output, each megawatt of installed capacity can electrify 650 homes.

OpenHydro潮汐发电机将用于苏格兰奥克尼群岛南部一个200兆瓦的项目当中。The OpenHydro tidal power machines will be used for a 200 megawatt site south of Scotland’s Orkney Islands.

从1千瓦到兆瓦的范围,斯潘电力电子设计和制造的全系列电源控制器的晶闸管。From 1 kW to the megawatt range, Spang Power Electronics designs and manufactures a full line of SCR power controllers.

这笔贷款将会支持布莱斯的两个太阳能电厂项目,总装机容量将达到484兆瓦。The loan will support two units of the Blythe Solar Power Project that will have a combined 484 megawatt generating capacity.

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第一台SeaGen涡轮机设置于北爱尔兰的斯特朗福德海湾,发电量已经超过10万千瓦小时。Positioned in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, the first SeaGen turbine has generated more than 100 megawatt hours of electricity.

本文以兆瓦级风力发电机为依托,对大型风力发电机变桨距控制技术进行了较深入的探讨。Based on the megawatt wind turbine generator system, the pitch control techniques for large scale wind turbines are deeply analyzed in this thesis.

在遇到环境保护者和当地美国印第安社会组织反对后,原来太阳能站点的英亩数和兆瓦输出都减小了。The original acreage and megawatt output have both been lowered after facing objections from environmentalists and the local American Indian community.

这些土地装好太阳能板之后将可以生产600到1000MW的电力,而1MW电力足够给一个沃尔玛超市供电。When covered in solar panels, that acreage would generate 600 to 1,000 megawatts of electricity.One megawatt is enough to power a Wal-Mart Supercenter.

这些土地装好太阳能板之后将可以生产600到1000MW的电力,而1MW电力足够给一个沃尔玛超市供电。When covered in solar panels, that acreage would generate 600 to 1,000 megawatts of electricity. One megawatt is enough to power a Wal-Mart Supercenter.

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针对采煤机向大功率、厚煤层方向发展的需求,研制开发低速大扭矩传动装置试验系统。To meet the needs of the development of shearers in heavy duty and thick coal seam, the megawatt low-speed high-torque drive unit test system is required.

为在实验室条件下对风力发电的相关技术进行研究,设计了一种通用的变速变桨距风力发电机组半实物仿真平台。Aiming at requirement of control for megawatt wind-driven generator with variable propeller pitch of horizontal axis, a hydraulic control system is designed.

不过,EGS还没能向电网输送哪怕是一兆瓦的电力,就是按最好情况算,它要成为主要的能源来源还很需要一些时日。Still, there is not a single megawatt of EGS-produced power on line yet, and, at best, it will be quite a while before it becomes a significant energy source.