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这就是英帝国王冠。The Imperial State Crown.

还有一个地方就是香妃墓。There is a place Imperial.

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它有帝王的野心么?Does it habor imperial ambitions?

啊,这里还是广陵王的陵墓?You mean this is an imperial tomb?

皇家军队于1527年洗劫了罗马城。Imperial troops sacked Rome in 1527.

后来,它便成为官窑。Later on, it became an imperial kiln.

英帝国残暴地攻击印度和缅甸。Imperial Britain savaged India and Burma.

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琴研究日本帝国的历史。Jen studies the history of imperial Japan.

她集兵权和王权于一身。She had both military and imperial powers.

回音壁是皇穹宇的围墙。The Echo Wall encloses the Imperial Vault.

我们现在称它为故宫。We call it the Fromer Imperial Palace now.

但是因为御窑厂的兴建。But due to the emergence of imperial kilns.

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台北帝国大学图书馆。The Library of Taihoku Imperial University.

御风何似顶头悬。The imperial wind what resembles hangs head.

公制或英制读反可用。Metric or imperial reading counter available.

我们正好是帝国规则的正反两面。Two sides of imperial rule, no more, no less.

台北帝国大学正门。The Front Gate of Taihoku Imperial University.

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“帝国酒店是设备最好的,”少校首先提议。"Hotel Imperial is the best, " said the Major.

“殿下”,他恭敬地行完礼后说。"Your Imperial Highness, " he said with a bow.

所谓故宫,文如其意,指的是古代的宫殿。The Imperial Palace was built in ancient times.