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你今天为什麽戴头巾呢?Why do you wear a turban today?

包头地区诺基亚E66多少钱?Be how much turban area Nokia E66?

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于是便把头巾从大鹏鸟的脚上解了下来。I untied the turban from the bird's foot.

我就大声叫喊着又将我头巾的竹布飘摇着。Icried aloud and waved the linen of my turban.

包头哪里卖砭石手链?Where does turban sell stone needle hand chain?

5祂说,要将洁净的顶冠戴在他头上。And He said, Let them put a clean turban upon his head.

她那顶精巧的黑色无边帽上插了根艳绿色金刚鹦鹉毛。In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw.

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她那顶简洁的黑色无边帽上插了根金绿色的金刚鹦鹉毛。In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw.

把冠冕戴在他头上,将圣冠加在冠冕上Put the turban on his head and attach the sacred diadem to the turban.

随后戴上了享有声望的伞兵栗色头巾。I was then allowed to wear the paratrooper's prestigious maroon turban.

在故事模式中和另一个势力完成“黄巾起义”任务。Completed the Yellow Turban Rebellion with one of the forces in Story Mode.

牧人阿切拉的包头巾和白色衣衫让他看上去像典型的拉巴尼人。Achala, a herder, marks himself as Rabari with his turban and white garments.

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后来我又来到了山区,一群戴着白头巾的塔利班围着我。Then I went to the mountains, a group of Taliban wearing a white turban around me.

我绝不用非波罗奈城的旃檀香,头巾、袍子、下裙与外衣全是由波罗奈城的布所裁制。My turban was from Varanasi, as were my tunic, my lower garments, & my outer cloak.

他的脸完全被头巾遮盖,因此我猜不出他的表情。I couldn't gauge his expression because his face was completely obscured by his turban.

探索如何配合这个免费视频头巾从一个时尚杂志的编辑头巾。Discover how to tie a turban from a fashion magazine editor in this free video on turbans.

为了遮住附着在自己的后脑勺上伏地魔的脸,奇洛在头上缠了一条紫色的大围巾。Quirrell wore a purple turban to hide the face of Voldemort which was on the back of his head.

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头巾只是一块布而已,你知我知大家知。他们也许害怕了,生怕头巾里面藏着啥东西。You and I know turban is a cloth. They may be afraid, what if there is something hidden inside.

并用细麻布作冠冕、和华美的裹头巾.用撚的细麻布作裤子。and the turban of fine linen, the linen headbands and the undergarments of finely twisted linen.

其中一幅卡通描绘先知默罕默德戴着炸-弹形状的穆-斯-林头巾,还有一根正在燃烧的引线。One of the cartoons depicts the Prophet Muhammad wearing ab-omb-shaped turban with a burning fuse.