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混合起来。Mix it up.

别无选择?What's the mix?

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加椰蓉,拌匀。Add coconut. Mix.

不要混用这些产品。Don't mix products.

穿出混搭的感觉。Wear a mix feeling.

加入泡打粉,拌匀。Add cake powder Mix.

这是一小包混合配料。It was a packet mix.

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用姜啤混合。Mix with Ginger Ale.

你把它和碱液混合。You mix it with lye.

答案五花八门Okay, interesting mix.

牛柳与腌料拌匀。Mix beef with marinade.

猪肉与腌料拌匀。Mix pork with marinade.

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因此,混搭你自己的百搭果仁吧。So, mix your own batch.

油和水不能混合。Oil and water don't mix.

本人混合幼鹿和小麦爪卡。I mix fawn and wheat tog.

我没有看出这种混合有什么麻烦。I see no evil in the mix.

水油不相溶。Oil and water do not mix.

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油不能和水混合。Oil won't mix with water.

我总是把这对双胞胎弄混。I always mix up the twins.

这只是北极多变性气候的一部分。It's just part of the mix.