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这是永恒。This is eternity here.

永恒宁非是刹那时光。And eternity in an hour.

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他无尽期地等待着。He waited for an eternity.

同样地,此生是为来生作准备。It is the door to eternity.

你是永世的一个产物。You are a heir of Eternity.

我可以喂养你直到永生。I can feed you for all eternity.

或奠下伟大基础,要留芳万代。Or laid great bases for eternity.

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工作是对永恒的否定。Work is the negation of eternity.

我是否说过那感觉就像永无终止似的?Did I say it feels like an eternity?

时光走向永劫的悄悄的脚步。Time's thievish progress to eternity.

夕阳虽落,爱永不朽。Though the sunset fell, love eternity.

但是什么将从永恒中归来呢?But what about the return from eternity?

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这才是永恒中实在关心的事情。That is what really matters in eternity.

此诸君所见永恒之景象。Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.

这场无聊的戏似乎演个没完没了。The dull play seemed to last an eternity.

人又是通过有限而与无限打交道的。Human communicate with eternity via finity.

我是在蕨丛中明白了永恒。It was among ferns I learned about eternity.

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然后你可以选择以后永远在哪里度过。Then you can choose where to spend eternity.

那你就能继续地爱,爱我如深海。Thou mayst love on, through love's eternity.

但你们就是永恒,你们也是明镜。But you are eternity and your are the mirror.