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静脉瓣也发作萎缩、硬化。Venous attack also shrinking, hardening.

这同样适用于骨盆腔的静脉和松质骨出血。The same applies to venous and cancellous pelvic bleeds.

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磺达肝素钠也能够减少静脉血栓。Fondaparinux sodium also prevented venous thromboembolism.

止血带应阻断静脉及淋巴回流。The tourniquet should occlude venous and lymphatic return.

目的探讨颅内静脉窦栓塞的影像学诊断。Objective To study radiology diagnosis of venous sinus thrombosis.

使用这种袜子已成为预防静脉郁滞的常规措施。They are used as a routine preventative treatmet of venous stasis.

目的研究浅静脉直刺穿刺法的临床效果。Objective To study the clinic effect of superficial venous puncture.

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本文报告34例患者共42条静脉血栓形成。This article reports a total of 42 venous thrombosis of 34 patients.

目的探讨静脉充血对生长痛的影响。Objective To observe the effects of venous hyperemia on growing-pain.

研究小组共调查了1,897名静脉血栓的患者。Spencer's team found a total of 1,897 cases of venous thromboembolism.

骨皮质的静脉血主要经皮质窦回流到骨髓静脉内。The venous blood in the cortex go back to the medullary veins largely.

容量血管收缩,静脉回流量增加。Capacitance vessels constrict, increasing the back flow of venous blood.

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无同名伴行静脉类型,如指背皮瓣。Lack of accompanying venous system, as is found in the dorsal finger flaps.

粘膜下层有粗大的静脉网和动脉丛。In submucous layer, arterial plexus and coarse venous network were observed.

两年来,我们对75例患者作了100次静脉造影。Over a two-year period, 100 venous angiograms were performed on 75 patients.

硬膜动静脉畸形或动静脉瘘可以出现颅内静脉充血。Dural AVM or AVF presents with engorgement of the intracranial venous system.

但是关于空气污染与静脉血栓关系的数据却很有限。Few data on air pollution exposure and risk of venous thrombosis are available.

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目的总结和分析肠系膜静脉血栓形成的经验体会。Objective To sum up and analyse the experience of mesenteric venous thrombosis.

去斑自制面膜小窍门皮静脉血流滞留造成皮肤眼色加深。Percuta fantjust asticeous venous retain retention caused by skin color deepens.

目的建立可靠的自由活动大鼠长期静脉输液通路。Objective To establish a reliable chronic venous access in the freely moving rat.