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它是怎样处理出货的?How does it handle shipment?

允许分批装运。Partial shipment is allowed.

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请在装船后给我公司开具发票。Invoice us after the shipment.

于装运前一个月汇付至我方。One month ahead of the shipment.

组织黄金销售押运。Organizing escort of gold shipment.

请为这批货投保平安险。Please insure FPA on this shipment.

你们何时可以发缺下的货呢?When can you make the balace shipment?

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你们何时可以发缺下的货呢?When can you make the balance shipment?

负责取货-包装-发货工作。Duties for Picking – Packing – Shipment.

把一批船货分发给几家买主。Parcel out a shipment to several buyers.

这批货的装船前都已过磅。The shipment was weighed before loading.

我非常担心货物迟交。I’m terribly worried about late shipment.

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你可以选择Y港作为交货港。You may choose Porty as port of shipment.

南亚发了一批晶圆给我们。Nanya forwarded a shipment of wafer to us.

出货通知是由电子邮件发送的。Notification of shipment is sent by e-mail.

现在可以把黄埔定为装运港。You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment.

我希望这船货能有同样的质量。I hope this shipment is of the same quality.

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装运日期,装运刻日,装运时刻。Shipping date, Time Limit, Time of shipment.

我们所能做到的最早船期是下月。The best shipment we can make is next month.

我们更想用定期班轮直接运送。We prefer direct shipment by regular liners.