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要突破你的个人记录需要大量时间进行辛苦的训练。They'll be plenty of time to train hard to beat your PRs.

我很高兴看到吉他手使用美国制造的PRS吉他。I was glad to see thee guitarist use an American made PRS guitar.

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而肥床旱育和塑盘旱育秧苗没有明显差异。There was no significant difference in senescene between DRS and PRS.

山西普大煤业煤炭在中国,以恢复其声誉发出误导性陈述?Is Shanxi Puda Coal issuing misleading PRs in the PRC to restore its reputation?

凡16岁以上的新加坡公民或永久居民可获得劳发局全额资助BCT考费。The BCT fee will be waived for all Singaporeans and Singapore PRs above 16 years old.

循环利用新闻稿的成本很低,因为公关们不可能诽谤自己的客户。Recycling press releases is cheap, because PRs are unlikely to libel their own clients.

当时我才30岁,可美容公关们反复向我宣扬这件神奇的东西,并问我想不想免费试一试。I was 30, and beauty PRs kept telling me about this wonder-stuff, and asking if I wanted to try it for free.

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专利法信息传递可帮你直接获得国际专利文献中心超过65个国家专利局的的专利家族和法律状态数据。With PatLegal Online, you have direct access to the INPADOC PFS and PRS data of more than 65 Patent Offices worldwide.

而另一方面,PRS也发表声明指控YouTube在没有与PRS进行任何咨询的情况下单方面中断协商。PRS for Music, on the other hand, also just released a statement that accuses YouTube of simply breaking off the negotiations without any consultation with PRS.

浦瑞斯是一家具有独特商业模式和专业技术的创新型企业,中国首创,前景富有机遇性和风险性。With its unique business range and specialized technology, PRS is the first one of this kind innovation company. The future is full of opportunities with risks.

根据英国PRS的编译的一个关于音乐的目录,这个瑞典组合的不朽之作确是全球KTV点唱率最高的歌曲之一。This Swedish pop group’s enduring song is actually one of the most popular karaoke selections in the world, according to an index the UK’s PRS for Music compiled.

据YouTube的说法,PRS所要求的版权费是“明显的禁止行为”,而且谷歌“每播放一次视频都会损失一大笔的钱。”According to YouTube, the licensing fees that PRS was looking for were "simply prohibitive" and Google would lose a "significant amount of money with every playback."

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许多记者之所以不相信公关人士,是因为在记者看来,唯一象样的报道是主人公不愿公之于众的内容。A writer from a business magazine called me recently for my comments on the hatred all journalists harbour towards PR professionals. I felt horribly inadequate. I do not hate PRs.