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生态宜居已日益成为我市的一张新名片。Ecological Livable City has become a new card of our city.

加拿大温哥华是世界上最宜居的城市之一。Vancouver Canada is one of the most livable cities in the world.

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对宜居城市的概念、内涵、特性进行了探讨,分析了宜居城市的理论基础。The second part is an analysis of the theory about the livable city.

换句话说,爱来到这个不完美的世界使它适合人们居住。In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable.

这是关于空间的宜居和文明的生活质量。It's about quality of life, about making spaces livable and civilized.

⊙、改善城区空气质量,创建生态宜居城镇。To improve urban air quality, create ecological livable cities and towns.

延庆,生态宜居,景色迷人,随时欢迎您的到来。Yanqing, with livable ecology and charming sceneries, welcomes your arrival.

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从开罗到菲尼克斯,河流使干旱的土壤得以生存,沙漠城市便在这里崛地而起。From Cairo to Phoenix, desert cities rose where rivers made arid soils livable.

许多喜欢自己动手做的人沉醉于修补他们的房子并让它更「适于居住」。Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house and making it more " livable ."

商品房预售在我国业已成为与商品房现售并存的房屋销售的两种方式之一。Pre-paid commercial house and livable house selling has become the two major methods in china.

由于所有市民的共同努力,北海获得了“中国十大易居城市”的称号。Because Beihai citizen they try their best, then they get the title—"China Ten-top Livable City".

各城市和地区都以宜居标准对本地进行规划和建设。On one hand, plan and construction of cities and areas are concentrated on livable living standard.

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而建设“宜居城市”应当先从城市的基本单元“宜居社区”抓起。The construction of "livable city" should start with the basic unit of the city "Livable Community".

民主制度帮助首尔在很短时间内转变为一个宜居的都市。Democratization has helped transform Seoul into a more livable city in an extraordinarily short time.

埃里克·桑德森的研究对象是生态系统,以及如何创造适宜动植物生存的环境。Eric Sanderson studies ecosystems and how landscapes create livable environments for plants and animals.

在许多社区,有人竟然忘记为这些适宜居住的城市修建基础设施——人行道。In many neighborhoods, someone forgot to plan for that basic building block of livable cities, the sidewalk.

虽然你可能永远不会在快速行驶的汽车里找到它,但一些宜居空间确实存在于广告牌的背后。Though you might never find it from fast driving cars, some livable space actually exists behind the billboards.

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景观设计师使用了各种空间元素,并利用周边美景来创造非常宁静而宜居的区域。The landscape architect brought the elements of space and beauty together to create a very restful, livable place.

龙湾区积极培育宜居宜商宜创业的投资和发展环境。Longwan District should actively foster livable should venture investment and business environment for development.

当第一间房子可以居住后,弗拉基米尔为两头母牛、两只绵羊和一群散养的小鸡修建了一个畜舍。As soon as the first room was livable , Vladimir built a barn for two cows, two sheep, and a scattering of chickens.