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精美的壁画,堪称绝代佳品。Exquisite frescos , can Jiapin peerless.

他闪耀的光是多么地出类拔萃!How peerless is the Light that in Him shines!

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对于英特尔,它的处理器是无与伦比的。As for Intel, its manufacturing machine is peerless.

后来在沃波尔,他成了无人可与之匹敌的手球运动员。Later, in Walpole he was a peerless handball player.

欢迎莅临香港,一个举世无双的城市。Welcome to HongKong, a peerless city in entire world.

这里的“恰好”二字可谓精妙绝伦。" Where "exactly" the word can be described as exquisite peerless.

你的嘴巴温柔甜蜜,你的浪荡天下第一。Your lips are soft and sweet. Your debauch is peerless in the world.

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中国对其它文化的长处实行“拿来主义”的能力无与伦比。China's ability to leverage the assets of other cultures is peerless.

游客可以乘船顺着长江而下时,会惊讶于大坝无与伦比的壮阔。Visitors can cruise down the Yangtze and marvel at its peerless size and breadth.

一旦创立了适合度,自然选择去粗汰劣的势头就无可匹敌了。Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds.

请从城西边缘的吉萨金字塔开始你的开罗之旅吧。Kick off your visit with a trip to the peerless Giza pyramids on the western edge of Cairo.

这些日子她可能变得更为老练了,但她仍然是出类拔萃并且无畏的。She may be a bit more sophisticated these days, but she's still peerless , and still fearless.

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他哭泣他歌唱,是魔鬼,是神明,是绝世的戏子,声情并茂-他是路鸣泽。He crys . He sings. Is devil. Is god. Is peerless actor, song with deep feeling ——he is Lumingze.

中国丝绸之所以天下夺魁,是因为长久的实践创造了完美。Chinese silk is peerless in the world simply Because long practice has led to the way of perfection.

记忆的河流中,我是一条逶迤游动的鱼,用绝色的柔美呼唤亘古的诱惑……In the river of memories, I am a meandering fish summoning for ancient enticement with peerless beauty.

无等塔波仁波切的首座大弟子秋雍,是藏地公认的大成就者。ChhoYon, a foremost disciple of the peerless Danpo Rinpoche, is recognized throughout Tibet as a great siddha.

坎通纳也回报了弗格森的这份信任之情,他为弗格森对曼联的绝对统治奠定了基础,同时也为俱乐部埋下了偏激的种子。Cantona repaid that faith by kick-starting Ferguson's peerless reign, and by establishing the DNA of its extremes.

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据史籍记载,汉成帝微服出游,在其姐姐家遇到一绝代佳人,乃咸阳赵飞燕。According to historical records, EMPEROR travel incognito, in his sister met a peerless beauty, is Xianyang mermaid.

安东西奇一度曾担任雷曼兄弟首席风险官,直接对身处完美风暴中船长、举世无双的雷曼兄弟董事长迪克•富尔德负责。Antoncic was for a spell the chief risk manager at Lehman, reporting to the peerless perfect-storm skipper Dick Fuld.

这并不仅仅是因为他制造了一个精彩绝伦的进球,更是因为,他只用半只脚踢球!This and is not only because he has made a splendid peerless goal, is because, he only uses half foot to play soccer!