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PDD是一种相当罕见地神经疾病。Fortunately, PDD is an extremely rare disorder.

在很多方面,PDD患者的身体变成了他们的累赘。In many respects, the body of a PDD victim becomes their puppet.

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需要更多的研究来确定胃肠道问题怎样和pdd有相关?More research is needed to determine how GI problems may be related to PDD.

结论本研究显示PDD与DLB有相似的病理学基础。Conclusion This study demonstrates the similar substrate of pathology in PDD and DLB.

为了方便开发者,微软公司为各种各样的设备提供了样本PDD层代码。To assist you, Microsoft provides several sample PDD layers for various built-in devices.

PDD层的驱动则是根据具体的硬件设备和平台专门编写。The PDD layer consists of the code that is specific to a given hardware device or platform.

同其他失去感觉的人相同,PDD的患者开始用其它那些保留的感觉来替代失去的感觉。Like any other sensory- deprived person, victims of PDD begin to naturally replace the missing sense with those that remain.

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但是,流行病学研究发现,pdd孩子和正常孩子相比较并没有更高的胃肠道患病率。But epidemiological studies have found no higher prevalence of GI problems among children with PDD compared to normally developing children.

前胃扩张症是一种致命性的疾病,它可以造成全世界范围内的不管是驯养的还是野生的鹦鹉目或科底下的鹦鹉神经系统紊乱。PDD is a fatal disease that causes nervous system disorders in both domesticated and wild birds in the psittacine , or parrot, family worldwide.

因为PDD是专门为特定的MDD设计的,而MDD在不同的驱动之间有着很大的不同。PDD implementations are designed to work with specific MDD implementations, and as such can vary widely from one layered device driver to the next.

虚拟楔形野与平野的深度剂量曲线的一致性简化了治疗计划或者提高了楔形野实际治疗剂量精度。The PDD comfarmation between virtual field and open field simplifies radiation treatment planning and increases the accuracy of wedge field therapy.

DPDL包含借用观念的排程及借用观念丢弃器两个部分,目的是维持比例式延迟及比例式漏失率,同时亦减少排队延迟、漏失率及增进产能。DPDL maintains PDD and PLD in a wireless network with a multi-state link, meanwhile, it achieves lower queuing delay, lower loss rate, and higher throughput.

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第二个试验pdd和多动症儿童以兴奋剂methylphenidate,这一般用作注意缺陷多动症的治疗方式。In the second trial, children with PDD and hyperactivity were treated with the stimulant methylphenidate, which is commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

审定机构应将PDD文件公开30天,邀请缔约方、利害相关方、UNFCCC认可的非政府组织发表评论。The validator shall make the PDD under consideration publicly available and invite Parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited NGOs to comment on the validation requirements within 30 days.