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但是节约的成本增加了。Butthe savings add up.

也许靠他们的积蓄?Perhaps on their savings?

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一些青少年有任何储蓄所。Few teenagers have any savings.

储蓄可以积成财富。Savings may swell into fortune.

而且省下的钱还不用交税。And the savings are free of tax.

什么是活期储蓄帐户?What's a current savings account?

一是企业家自己的储蓄。One was the entrepreneur’s savings.

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邮储银行,路在何方?。Post Savings Bank, Where's Way Out?

他们把他的储蓄骗走了。They hustled him out of his savings.

他们骗取了她的生活储蓄金。They did her out of her life savings.

通货膨胀抢光了我的积蓄。Inflation has robbed me of my savings.

她的全部储蓄被骗走了。She was fooled out of all her savings.

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本周末是冬夏时调整日。This weekend is Daylight Savings Time.

好的。来克伍德储蓄贷款银行。B. Yes. It's Lakewood Savings and Loan.

但不可能救回更多的损失。But further savings there are unlikely.

她被骗走了所有的积蓄。She was tricked out of all her savings.

你在乡村储蓄银行里存有款吗?Do you bank at the Village Savings Bank?

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我想开个活期储蓄账户。I'd like to have a time savings account.

储蓄额总的来说处于上升趋势。Savings in the aggregate are on the rise.

他可以从营销成本降低这一点入手。He could start with the marketing savings.