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投保人必须年满18岁或以上。The proposer must be aged 18 or above.

作文提议者处理掉了那些元件。The composition proposer disposed of the components.

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妨害要保人或被保险人为告知者。Obstructing the giving of notification by the proposer or insured.

提案人姓名、户籍地址书写错误或不明者。Where the name or address of the proposer is recorded wrongly or unclearly.

因为建议找不到附议者动议不能通过。注意,注意力集中。The motion can not is put, because the proposer can not find a seconder for it.

提案人未填具本人国民身分证统一编号或有错误、不明者。Where the ID card number of the proposer is not provided, or is wrong or unclear.

如果提议者提前退出循环,可能是另一个提议者失败了。If the proposer quits the loop early, It may be that the other proposer has failed.

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提议者需要检查该值是否与自己在最后一轮中提出的值相同。And the proposer need to check if the value is the same value as itself proposed in the last round.

投保人须在出发前投保并交付保费以保证计划生效。The policy won't be effective until proposer makes full payment of premium before the start of the journey.

在这个游戏中,“申请人”会得到一笔钱,他们可以把其中的一部分钱提供给“回应者”,和他们分享。In the game, a "proposer" is given a sum of money, part of which he or she offers to share with a "responder."

请细阅下列各项条文及投保人须知,然后在指定空位内签署。Please read the following statements and important Notes to Proposer carefully and sign in the space provided.

如果是,则提议者继而发送接受请求,其具有其在当前轮中发送的值。If it is, the proposer then proceeds to send Accept request with the value it intended to send in current round.

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经调查了解,投保人是否知悉任何可能导致赔偿请求的事实、情形、行为和不作为?。Is the Proposer aware, after enquiry, of any fact, circumstance, act or omission which may give rise to a claim?

就影响要保人或被保险人权益之事项为不实之说明或不为说明者。Misrepresenting or failing to explain any matter affecting the rights and interests of the proposer or the insured.

这是不可能在这里进入种种原因,敦促人才和完成的提议,这鉴定。It is impossible here to enter into the various reasons urged by the talented and accomplished proposer of this identification.

考核了本项目申请人在预研过程中提出的材料细观损伤模型以及基于细观损伤统计的亚宏观损伤模型。The model of micro-damage and mesoscale model based on micro-damage statistic, both of which were advanced by the proposer of the item.

本文首先分析了最后通牒实验中响应者拒绝一个正的分配方案行为的社会偏好检验问题。We first analyzed how to test social preferences behind the responders'rejection in the ultimatum game when the proposer offer a positive allocation.

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我们,本提名人及本申请人,在此声明所有提供给「健灵慈善基金」之资料及证明文件均属实无误。We, the Proposer and the Applicant, hereby declare that all information and supporting documents provided to Vita Green Charitable Foundation are true.

总的来说人们认为福格是个疯子,还谴责福格的那几位朋友居然跟一个精神病打赌。People in general thought him a lunatic, and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer.

承办单位办理提案后,在规定的时间内答复,并将办理复文直接寄交第一提案人,同时抄送提案委员会办公室。The undertakers give their replies within a fixed time, submit the reply to the first proposer and make a copy for the office of Committee for Handling Proposals.