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奥德利庄院的府邸里从来不出现时髦的新灯。No newfangled lamps had ever made their appearance at Audley Court.

孙福龄酒后就没控制住这个新奇玩意儿,当场撞死了一个倒霉的宫廷太监。Mr Sun promptly lost control of the newfangled thing, running over and killing an unfortunate palace eunuch.

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因此,读者们,请尽你们最大努力传播这个理念吧,让我们一起见证这个新颖的网络装置是否有效。So, dear Reader, do your best in spreading the word, and let's see if we can put this newfangled internet device to good use.

您很快就会得出结论,电锯这种新工具只不过是一种时尚,最后还是改用斧子来砍树。You quickly conclude that this newfangled chainsaw thing is just a fad, and you go back to chopping down trees with your axe.

我们不应该以某种行动主义所倚靠的媒介或者对人们要求的多少来加以判别——无论线上或者线下,传统或者新奇。We shouldn't judge any activism -- online or off, old-fashioned or newfangled -- by its medium or by how much it requires of us.

于是,那些过去只有尖刻的经济学家热衷的金融笑话,今天已经成为了美国人茶余饭后的最新流行。Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled.

剔除新奇时髦的话,剩下的同样是过去15或20年的思想。Strip away the newfangled buzz-words, and you're left with the same ideas that have been thrown around for the past fifteen or twenty years.

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分析师们表示,上网本或许过于低端,不足以与苹果产品抗衡,但是,新型超薄笔记本将缩小或者甚至填平这一差距。Analysts say netbooks may have been too low-end to compete with Apple's gear, but the newfangled machines will narrow or even bridge that gap.

正当州政府准备试用一种称为电椅的新发明的杀人装置的时候,凯姆勒被判死刑,真是倒霉。It was Kemmler's bad luck to be condemned to death just as the state was ready to try out a newfangled killing device called the electric chair.

与此同时,在文学和其他艺术领域,出现了一种崭新的现代主义,它崇尚形式和结构的特质,追求内部的一致性和自我指涉。At the same time, in literature and in other arts, a newfangled modernism celebrated formal, structural qualities, inner coherence and self-reference.

层出不穷而易变的金融操作愈使其复杂难办,尤其是人们借钱购置资产,并坐观金融杠杆发挥着数字魔术。It was amplified by newfangled , flighty financial techniques, notably buying assets with borrowed money and watching leverage work its arithmetical magic.

这些资料可能潜藏数年而不会造成任何麻烦,直到某个新的演算法对前后的资料太过敏感而产生问题。Those data can lie dormant for years without causing much trouble. The danger arises when some newfangled algorithm reads too much into the inconsistencies.

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当艺术家们用以创作的新奇方式由当初的惊世骇俗逐渐使观众审美疲劳的时候,我们自然会冷静下来思考一下其他的可能性还有哪些。When the newfangled ways which seem shocking at first but finally tire the audience, we will of cause calm down to think about what other possibilities are.

银行间进行私下交易,或者“场外交易”,似乎证明大型、新式的市场可以在最小化的管理下良好运转。Traded privately, or “over the counter”, by banks, they seemed to prove that large, newfangled markets could function perfectly well with minimal regulation.

丽莎又抽泣了起来,她抽出一条新式的可完全再生的的纸巾,擦了擦鼻子,然后把它扔进废物箱里。Then Lisa was sniffling again, pulling one of those newfangled totally-recyclable tissues from a dispenser, blowing her nose, and tossing it into the recycler.

我们经常忘记了这些新奇的电力炉灶和那两台户外厨房的炉灶,而选择用太阳能来煮食。We often ignore these newfangled electric-powered ovens and the two ovens in the outdoor kitchen, opting instead for cooking with the power of direct sunlight.

这次为时一周的活动由美国汽车俱乐部赞助,各有特色的66个参展商展示31部新奇的汽车和品种多样的配件吸引顾客乘车。The weeklong event, sponsored by the Automobile Club of America, featured 66 exhibitors displaying 31 newfangled autos and a variety of accessories to pimp the ride.

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医学上已经明确了,从生理上看,人类大脑起着至关重要的作用。古人以心为中君,蕴藏神思,如今对我们来说,这位中君已经迁。Since the vital physiological role of the brain has become clear to medicine, the vernacular sense of our center has migrated from the ancient heart to newfangled mind.

到2025年,今日这些过道和牛栏构成的令人压抑而且又像迷宫般的隔断很可能会被淘汰,取而代之的是各式各样强调量身定做而非大众诉求的办公室设备。By 2025, the gloomy maze of hallways and bullpens of today may well be replaced by a wide range of office setups that stress customization over mass appeal. In this newfangled?

砖块似乎是15世纪由佛兰德的建筑工人引入到英格兰的,那时工人们就用上了这种英语词汇叫不出来的新型建筑材料。It seems to have been brought to England by Flemish construction workers in the 1400s who worked with a newfangled building material that English speakers didn’t have a name for.