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婷婷,把蜡烛点着。Ting Ting, light the candles.

你认识我的朋友张婷吗?Do you know my friend Zhang Ting?

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你见过我的朋友张婷吗?Have you met my friend , Zhang Ting?

陈庭是她的高中老师。Ting Chen was her high school teacher.

婷园?可是未出阁的姑姑?Ting park?But don't get married of aunt?

婷婷,在周末你都做什么?What do you do at the weekend, Ting Ting?

你午寿及一名女子,他不能代表真理。You Ting and a woman he can not speak truth.

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选择所需压制机的类型。Choose the type of briquet ting machine required.

我认为他俩是同时撞线的。I think they have charged twice for the same ting.

下一站系安定,属单程车票第二收费区。Next stop is On Ting. Zone 2 for single-ride ticket.

叶定邦是一位世界级的排疑解难高手。Vincent Ip Ting Pong is a world-class problem-solver.

完成任务的前提是安全第一。Tasks should be accomplished by put- ting safety first.

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火车还没停稳,他就跳上了月台。Ting Wen before the train, he jumped onto the platform.

公司起起跌跌,挺了近十年。Tutu starting from the company, Ting for nearly a decade.

同时,顾婷也得到参加宴会的任务。At the same time, the task of Gu Ting also get to the party.

我没有提起那件事,因为我怕他心烦意乱。I didn't menti'on it because I was afraid of upset — ting him.

并对系统工作状态的选择作了简要的讨论。The choice of opera- ting condition is also briefly discussed.

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徐曼听完,笑的嘴都合不拢了。Xu Man Ting finishes, the mouths smiling entire mate Long not.

四明湖,既有西湖的秀丽又有洞庭湖的潇洒。SiMing Lake has West Lake's beauty and Dong Ting Lake's pizzazz.

丁文江对政治有着强烈的兴趣。All his life Ting Wen-chiang had a strong interested in politics.