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关键去了,你向越南送海军陆战队吗?The linchpin is gone, do you send Marines to Vietnam?

伍德福是英国田径队中的关键人物。Woodford is the linchpin of the british athletics team.

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不过美元仍是整个全球体系之关键。Yet the dollar remains the linchpin of the global system.

一个良好的协调人是一个成功的计划的关键。A good coordinator is the linchpin of a successful program.

此外,该伙伴关系也是东北亚安全的重要支柱。But the partnership is also the linchpin to Northeast Asian security.

里根坚持使用的关键词语是“信任但要核实”。The linchpin phrase that Reagan insisted upon was “trust but verify.”

互联网拥抱迅捷,聪明和灵活。Fast, smart and flexible are embraced by the network. Linchpin behavior.

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圣殿骑士们围着它的头部石像,念着祈祷词,以此来表达他们对鲍芙默神的敬意。The Pope used the head of Baphomet as the linchpin in his case against the Templars.

解决香蕉的寒害问题,关键在于提高香蕉的抗寒力。In order to solve the problem, the linchpin is to increase the cold hardiness of banana.

许多奇怪的阴谋理论将目光聚焦在美元的地位是美国国家实力的关键上。A lot of strange conspiracy theories center on the role of the dollar as the linchpin to American power.

第二部分,具体论述花意象热点——大观园花人合一的群芳争妍意象。The second part detailedly the linchpin of flowerage imagoes- beautiful women and fragrant flowers imagoes.

重视肝门部狭窄胆管的处理是提高疗效的关键。It is the linchpin that attach importance to how to deal with the bile stricture, which can rise the effect.

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在一些美国必胜主义者看来,这证明了他们的国力及其在全球的关键性作用。To American triumphalists, this is evidence of their country’s power, its role as the linchpin of the globe.

IMF在金融危机前曾经萎靡不振,而现在再一次成为了世界金融的关键先生。Moribund before the financial crisis, the IMF is once again a linchpin of the international financial system.

在首尔,马蒂斯部长称美韩联盟是“区域和平与稳定的关键”。In Seoul, Secretary Mattis called the U. S. -South Korea alliance "a linchpin" of regional peace and stability.

这门炮炮身长2.85米,口径105毫米,由于中炮身上铸有“敕赐神威大将”而得名。The gun cannon 2.85 meters length, diameter, because ZhongBao 105 mm on a "miserable molten named power linchpin" given.

在不久的将来,当手机成为了经济发展的关键,这类的革新只会越来越多。These innovations will only increase in the future, as mobile phones become the linchpin for greater economic development.

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这是福特把林肯打造成高利润奢侈汽车市场上更强大竞争者这一长期策略的关键。It also is a linchpin in Ford's long-term strategy to build Lincoln into a stronger competitor in the high-profit luxury segment.

之后,赵大将村里一个土财主的地窖伪装成财政部秘库,设法让冢本得到了假印版。Later, zhao linchpin of the village a soil rich cellar disguised as a Treasury secret library, trying to get off the mound plate.

心里这样想,你就可以变成一个真正的经典,一个必不可少的人,同那些山寨区分开来.Take this to heart and you’ll be able to differentiate yourself from the fakes and become a true linchpin – someone indispensable.