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周谷城是受人敬重的教育家。Zhou Gucheng is a respectable educationist.

东周邹国人。是一位著名的思想家、政治活动家、教育家。It is a home of famous ideologist, politics, educationist.

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老教育家段力佩先生既是一名思想家,又是一名实干家。The educationist Duan Lipei was a thinker, and a doer as well.

朱自清是我国二十世纪前期著名的语文教育家。Zhu Ziqing is a famous Chinese educationist in the early 20th century.

雅斯贝尔斯是20世纪德国著名的人本主义教育家。Jaspers was a famous humanism educationist of Germany in the 20 th Century.

华岗是马克思主义的革命家、哲学家、历史学家和教育家。Hua Gang is a Marxist revolutionary, philosopher, historian and educationist.

孔子是中国春秋末期的大思想家和教育家。Confucius was a great thinker and educationist in late Spring and Autun Period.

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班昭是东汉时期著名的女性史学家、教育家。Ban Zhao was a famous female historian and educationist in the East Han Dynasty.

陶行知先生是我国现代教育史上著名的人民教育家。Tao Xingzhi is a famous people's educationist in China's modern education history.

张志公先生是我国当代著名的语言学家和语文教育家。Mr. Zhang Zhigong was a famous linguist and Chinese educationist in contemporary China.

著名书法家、教育家欧阳中石先生为学校题写了校名。Celebrated Calligrapher and educationist Ouyang Zhongshi superscripted the shool's name.

唐文治是中国近代高等教育史上著名的教育家。Tang Wen-zhi was a famous educationist in the Modern History of Chinese Higher Education.

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蔡元培是中国近代历史上伟大的民主革命家、思想家、教育家。Caiyuanpei is a great democratic revolutionist educationist thinker in chinese modern history.

刘古愚是清朝末年在陕、甘较有影响的教育家。This article gives a commentary on Liu Guyu, an influential educationist of late Qing Dynasty.

本文的研究对象狄考文是传教士教育家中的一个典型人物。Calwin mateer whom this paper deals with is a typical character among the Missionary educationist.

他不仅是一位优秀的男高音歌唱家,还是现今意大利尤为著名的声乐教育家。Being an outstanding tenor, Master Pier is also a well-known vocal music educationist of present Italy.

尚德义教授是我国当代音乐界卓有成就的作曲家和教育家。Professor Shang Deyi is an outstanding composer and educationist in the field of modern music in China.

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张山雷是近代著名的中医文献学家、中医教育家和临床家,在医林享有盛誉。Zhang Shanlei, a modern famous philologist, educationist and clinician, took high reputation in TCM circle.

我的生活故事,描述她努力成为一名优秀的作家和教育家,在世界上。My Life Story described her hard struggle to become an outstanding writer and educationist across the world.

梅贻琦是中国现代著名的教育家,被誉为清华大学的“终身校长”。Mei Yiqi is a modern and famous educationist of China, praised as "lifelong president" of Tsing-Hua University.