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变形虫阶段的细胞仍不含内共生菌。Cells of the amoeboid stage lacked the methanogenic endosymbionts.

轴突前端有变形虫般的构造,会牵引轴突往前生长。The axon then continues to grow, towed by an amoeboid structure at its tip.

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在富含细胞器的细胞质中,有许多变形核。There are numerous amoeboid nuclei suspended in the organelle-rich cytoplasm.

变形吞噬细胞形状不定,能伸出伪足,核较大,线粒体、溶酶体等细胞器丰富。The amoeboid phagocytes are unshaped, which contains big nucleus, many mitochondria and lysosome.

结果通过形态学研究观察到空泡型、颗粒型、阿米巴型及包囊型以及各型之间的相互转化。Results The vacuolar, granular, amoeboid and cyst forms of B. h and transformation among the forms were observed microscopically.

古老的原生动物可能呈阿米巴样,但缺少许多真核细胞的细胞器,如线粒体、叶绿体以及鞭毛。The ancestral protoctistans were probably amoeboid but lacked many eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts and flagella.

这看起来像一颗膨胀的白色星星,上面布满小小的珍珠,但其实是原生动物有孔虫的外壳。Taketomi Island, Okinawa, JapanLooking like a puffy white star studded with little pearls, this is the shell of an amoeboid protist called a foraminifera, or foram.

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结果表明,细弱绒泡菌生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。The result shows that the life cycle of Didymium iridis comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.

结果表明,细弱绒泡菌生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。The result shows that the life cycle of Physarum tenerum comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.

结果表明,生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。The result shows that the life cycle of Physarella oblonga comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.

例如,在进化中哺乳动物的大脑,神经迁入到了头颅,用我们祖先使用过的变形运动来捕捉细菌。In the developing mammalian brain, for example, neurons migrate up into the cranium, using much the same kind of amoeboid movement that our deep ancestor employed to capture bacteria.