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这是一件吊诡之事。It's a paradoxical thing.

一切事情都变得似是而非了。Everything is paradoxical.

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这真是一种奇怪的矛盾疗法。It was a strangely paradoxical treatment.

这就是“似非而是十大戒律”。It's called "The Paradoxical Commandments."

隽语一个简明,机智,经常似是而非的陈述。A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement.

人们不应该轻视自相矛盾的东西。One should not think slightingly of the paradoxical.

后者淹没在它们自制的困思逻辑之中。The latter drown in their self-made paradoxical logic.

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说到人世间的事,一切都是似是而非的。When it comes to human affairs, everything is paradoxical.

因此把他们贴上“做错事的人”的标签是荒谬的。Consequently it is paradoxical to label them as "wrong-doers".

他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist.

这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.

母子关系是一个悖论,从某种意义上讲,又是悲剧性的。The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and , in a sense, tragic.

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这就引出了洛克在权利的诠释上,令人费解的矛盾之处。This leads to a puzzling paradoxical feature of Locke's account of rights.

“这是一个在复杂系统里发生的矛盾态效应,”海尔宾说。"It's a paradoxical effect that occurs in complex systems, " says Helbing.

我选择的这两个答案似乎如同堂吉诃德式幻想一样不切实际,或者显得荒谬,但是请容忍我讲下去。These might seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but please bear with me.

绿蓝悖论是信念接受理论中出现的一种悖谬状态。The grue paradox is the paradoxical state in the theory of belief acceptance.

做一个叫做“矛盾的意图”的思维练习,打破刻板的习惯。Puncture a rigid mindset with a mental exercise called "paradoxical intention."

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事实上相反的,希望它能消失结果却会让这种感觉继续留下来。In fact, wishing it would disappear has the paradoxical result of making it stay.

然而,植基于身分地位的补助政策带來差别化和吊诡的效果。These status-based policies, however, bring differential and paradoxical effects.

但那其中的粗俗普通却真实地揭示了一个既矛盾又有趣的人物。But their truculent honesty makes for a paradoxical and amusingly human revelation.