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他对同事无礼。He is uncivil to his colleagues.

你说那种话很失礼。It was uncivil of you to say that.

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要是我果真是无礼的,那么,这还不够作为我无礼的理由吗?Was not this some excuse for incivility, if I was uncivil ?

这个没礼貌的小东西踮起了脚尖,对着希刺克厉夫的耳朵小声说了一句话。The uncivil little thing stood on tiptoe, and whispered a sentence in Heathcliff's ear.

他说话时,一直盯着天空,爱丽丝认为这是很不礼貌的。He was looking up into the sky all the time he was speaking, and this Alice thought decidedly uncivil.

对于周末这场没有48小时提前通知的、粗野的且始料不及的罢工,我们应给肇事者予严厉的惩罚。The penalties for the weekend's uncivil and unexpected strike, without the promised 48-hour warning, should be harsh.

而且它们时常太过无礼地作事后批评,不被事实、逻辑或者经缜密推断分析的分析的约束阻塞。And all too often, uncivil second-guessing is not encumbered by the constraints of facts, logic, or reasoned analysis.

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这种行为通过大学生在纪律、诚信、公德以及恋爱观等多个方面表现了出来。Uncivil behaviors are not uncommon on campuses, which are manifested through students' concepts of discipline, credit, social moral and love.

三是粗暴管理、野蛮执法等严重影响工商行政管理社会形象的不文明执法行为。Third gross management, brutal law enforcement seriously affected the image of uncivil law enforcement and administration of social behaviour.

这些研究证实,看到雇员之间不文明的争吵留下的糟糕印象远不止事件本身。The studies confirm that witnessing an uncivil argument between two employees leaves a bad taste that goes well beyond the individual incident.

在这次活动中,人们首先列举了不文明行车的几种行为,其中有一条便是在夜深人静的居民区里,任自己的汽车喇叭肆意长鸣!In the event, it was first identified several uncivil traffic, which is in a neighbourhood of the night, as his car broke wantonly bells ring forever!

她感到万分焦急不安,因此在两位贵客没有走进会客室以前,她几乎厌倦沉闷得快要发脾气了。Anxious and uneasy, the period which passed in the drawing-room, before the gentlemen came, was wearisome and dull to a degree that almost made her uncivil.

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结果被调查的学生大多数都能够认识到行人闯红灯、乱穿马路、车辆不按车道行驶等是最不文明的交通行为。Results Most of the investigated students thought that going though the red light, jaywalking and not driving on regular carriageway were uncivil behaviors.