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中国消费者协会的经费由政府资助和社会赞助。CCA is funded by Government subvention and social donations.

□否,本年度未获任何经费补助。No, I didn't get any subvention from Taiwan's government this year.

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政府补助金收入按应计制确认。Income from government subvention is recognised on an accruals basis.

协会的经费每年由政府拨款援助。The association is funded by an annual subvention from the government.

政党面对这种补助制度其目标与态度产生了怎样的变化?What is the objective and posture of the Political Parties when facing state subvention and how these chang?

各收支项目已直接在附注6的资本补助金及附注7的约满酬金储备内确认。Directly in the Capital subvention fund and gratuity reserve fund as disclosed in notes 6 and 7 respectively.

最近十年来,俄罗斯通过制定相关法律和法规,实行资助金制度等措施,使科学人才流失问题得到初步缓解。Russian government has eased the brain drain problem by formulating relevant laws and regulations, a subvention system and so on in the past decade.

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一些分析人士指出,50家公司如果平均分享联邦政府的资助金的话,每家企业只能得到3000万美元。Some analysts point out that every company can only acquire 30 million USD if the 50 companies equally share the subvention of the federal government.

医疗补助金的标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。The standard for medical subvention is to be set by people's government of province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.

会员资格旳获准。国家委员会应尽快把新成员旳申请表和年费呈递至国际博协秘书处。Section 2. Approval of Membership. National Committees shall forward the application form and annual subvention of new members to the ICOM Secretariat as soon as possible.

天邻基金会并无政府的资助,每年约港币三百万的经费全部由热心人士捐献。The expenditure of HIS Foundation is around 3 million dollars per year. There is no subvention from the government and the entire expenditure is met by voluntary donations.