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而第二件事情就是估算。The second thing is ballpark it.

不要短打。目标瞄准场外。Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.

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我完全赞同全家一起出去球场游玩。I'm all for a family outing to the ballpark.

到棒球场的参观团是几点?Unit 48 What time are the tours of the ballpark?

遗憾的是,今天我只能给诸位阿部力父亲提供一个大概数字。Unfortunately I can only give you ballpark figures today.

这些发现和以前的报告内容趋向一致。These findings are in the same ballpark as previous reports.

我不需要精确的报价,只要给我一个粗估就行了。I don't need an exact quotation, just give me a ballpark figure.

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我们目前只需要一个大略估计,晚一点才需要精确的答案。At this time all we need is a ballpark figure. Exactness comes later.

我分别使用了25,15,10和5作为我的评估界定数据。I used 25, 15, 10, and 5, respectively, as ballpark figures for my ratings.

尽管如此,你仍旧有很多机会来接近大联盟的棒球场。Still, there are more opportunities for you to get close at the Big League ballpark.

在这个球场中,你最不想做的,是将对方打者保送上垒。The last thing you want to do in the ballpark is to walk people and put people on bases.

至少目前来说,把研究领域缩小会使制药行业有更好机会打出本垒打。For now at least, making the ballpark smaller may be the industry’s best chance to hit home runs.

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如果科学家能证实香肠和炸鸡翅也有益于健康,那该多么振奋人心啊。Now if only a scientist will discover the health benefits of ballpark franks and chicken wings. Heaven.

有了数字,就可以开始做一些关于需要进行多少测试的大致决定。When you have numbers, you can start to make some ballpark decisions about exactly how much you will test.

鲍登说,来自高度加工的品种如麦当劳的汉堡包是罪魁祸首。Bowden says beef's bad rap comes from highly processed varieties like McDonald's hamburgers and ballpark franks.

不过眼前马德森更关心的是要寻找其他父亲和自己相约带孩子们去棒球场玩儿。But right now, Madsen is more concerned about recruiting other dads to join him for play dates2 at the ballpark.

尽管有时候我们的实际约谈等候时间与网上提供的信息不同,但基本上还是准确的。We do see, sometimes, disparity with our actual experiences in the wait times—but still it’s a good ballpark figure.

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但是如果复苏已经消除过剩产能,则错误之处就不仅是细枝末节而是大前提就错了。But if the recovery had already eliminated excess capacity they would be in the wrong city, not just the wrong ballpark.

女性的投保额一般低于实际价值的,一份寿险保单是他们工资的三倍,5倍可能是更为适当的概数。Women are typically underinsured, with a life policy equal to three times their income. Five times is a better ballpark.

接下来的问题是,欧元是否继续拥有测试1.3090这一下个阻力位的动力。The next question will be if the Euro has the continued momentum to test the next resistance levels in the 1.3090 ballpark.