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乌干达政府发言人欧波洛特解释说Ugandan government spokesperson Fred Opolot explains that decision.

记者暂未联系到乌干达国家林业局置评。The Ugandan forestry agency couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

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首先,自愿咨询检测患者无法代表乌干达一般人群。First, VCT clientele may not be representative of the general Ugandan population.

利比亚的公司拥有乌干达的电信和银行业股份。And Libyan companies have taken shares in the Ugandan telecom and banking sectors.

坦蒂在影片中饰演一位爱上了一个白人男学生的乌干达少女。Thandie landed the role of an Ugandan teen who falls in love with a white schoolboy.

反同性恋者比尔尚未在乌干达会议上进行正式辩论。The Anti-Homosexuality Bill is yet to be formally debated by the Ugandan parliament.

乌干达的尼罗河果实项目利用太阳能来干燥果实。The Ugandan project, Fruits of the Nile, harnesses the power of the sun to dry fruit.

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在临床上艾滋病病毒血清检测呈阳性的乌干达患者中,HIV病毒性痴呆很常见。HIV dementia is common in HIV-seropositive Ugandan individuals attending an Aids clinic.

他重申,乌干达政府将继续坚定不移地奉行一个中国政策。He reaffirmed that the Ugandan government will unswervingly adhere to the "one China" policy.

乌干达军方发言人说抗军领导依旧在逃。The Ugandan militaryspokesmanspokesperson says therebelrevel leader is on the run in the region.

乌干达政府本来已稍微平息了内乱,并开始集中精力对付圣主抵抗军。The Ugandan government had otherwise made or enforced relative peace and began to focus on the LRA.

但是乌干达和其他东非国家几名政治家和评论家敦促乌干达尽快撤出。But several Ugandan and other east-African politicians and commentators have urged Uganda to withdraw.

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但是,数位乌干达和其他东非国家的政治家和评论员们敦促乌干达撤军。But several Ugandan and other east-African politicians and commentators have urged Uganda to withdraw.

乌干达政府和所谓的美国福音派信徒必须对戴维的死负责。The Ugandan government and the so-called U.S. evangelicals must take responsibility for David’s blood.

乌干达总统穆塞韦尼、肯尼亚新总理奥廷加和新总统齐贝吉也发表了讲话。Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni, Prime Minister Odinga, and President Kibaki also delivered speeches.

这个年青女孩本是乌干达乡下的一个水果摊贩,创事业之初仅有一个独轮手推车。As a young woman, she started as a fruit trader in her Ugandan village, operating out of a single wheelbarrow.

从他们本月初到达摩加迪沙之时,反抗分子已每天都多次攻击他们。Resistance fighters have attacked the Ugandan troops daily since their arrival in Mogadishu earlier this month.

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它涉及三千四百名年龄在十五到四十九岁之间的未割礼的乌干达男人。It involved about three thousand four hundred uncircumcised Ugandan men between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine.

乌干达政府和人民对此深表感谢,愿进一步增进同中国的团结合作。The Ugandan government and people are deeply grateful and would like to further the unity and cooperation with China.

“外交可以帮助我们为这些问题导航,”乌干达大臣Musumba淡化着有冲突的谈话。"Diplomacy will help us navigate this issue, " said Musumba, the Ugandan minister, playing down any talk of conflict.