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我们应该遵守礼节。We should observe the proprieties.

注意遵守礼仪。Be careful to observe the proprieties.

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这些标准和礼节已经不再流行了。These standards and proprieties no longer obtain.

甚至当她发怒的时候,都要遵从礼节。Even when she was angry, she observed the proprieties.

她使用下流的语言是很失礼的事。Her use of obscene language offends against the proprieties.

并结合案例介绍了商务谈判的策略、技巧、礼节及礼仪。It also introduces the strategies, skills, ceremonies and proprieties.

对礼仪的蔑视和缺乏羞耻的行为特点。Behavior marked by a bold defiance of the proprieties and lack of shame.

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那些老规矩现在被认为是普洛克路斯特斯之床。Those strict proprieties of the old days are now regarded as a Procrustean bed.

她已经全然不顾礼仪,竟然一把抓住了小艾伦的手臂。She had so abandoned all sense of the proprieties as to be holding young Allen by the arm.

某些细微的习俗,某些特殊的风尚,珂赛特都没有注意到。Certain little proprieties , certain special conventionalities, were not observed by Cosette.

在道德上,他们很在乎在大的事情上做正确,但并不包括遵守小节。Morally, they care about getting the big questions right, but not about observing proprieties.

缺乏礼节会使最亲密的朋友变成不共戴天的仇敌。The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies.

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礼仪不仅是社会文明的标志,也是个体道德修养的外在体现。Proprieties not only symbolize the progress of society, also reveal one's personal moral cultivation.

用心欣赏和体味中华民族礼仪,具有艺术性的、别致的审美教育和道德教育作用。Appreciating and savoring the Chinese proprieties is an experience of artistic, delicate aesthetic and moral education.

中国传统丧葬礼仪在全世界丧葬礼仪中最为繁缛,最为隆重,也最有特色。Chinese traditional funeral proprieties is of most overelaborated , most ceremonious and most characterized in the world.

“礼”、“法”的初始含义充满了神性,是神化思维作用下的产物。The concept of "the proprieties " and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity.

探讨传统社会丧葬礼仪中的文化价值观,对于构建现代社会的新的丧葬礼仪形式具有启示作用。The discussion of the cultural values shows enlightenment on how to form new funeral proprieties in the contemporary society.

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从风俗习惯的视角来看,祭奠体现了中国传统礼法文化的核心价值理念-孝。From a custom perspective, sacrifice embodies filial piety, the core value of Chinese traditional law culture-the proprieties.

最后研究了上述MPC系统的鲁棒性质在观测器—控制器系统中的应用。Finally, the applications of such robustness proprieties of MPC systems to construction of estimator-controller systems are studied.

医者良好的礼仪素养是其职业必备素质,是构建良好医患关系的关键。A good command of proprieties is necessary for their career, and also the key to establish a good relationship between patients and doctors.