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我不喜欢他那粗线条的工作方法。I do not like his slapdash way of doing things.

但是很多人认为节流计算并不仔细。But many think the savings calculations are slapdash.

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这事儿你渴别想马虎过去。Don't think you can handle this matter in a slapdash manner.

即便有点精心马虎了,你母亲还是更喜欢自己做家务。Your mother prefers to do her own housekeeping -- even if it is a little slapdash.

但是刘先生的工厂从西方标准看来却是草率的。But Mr. Liu's plant features construction that looks slapdash by Western standards.

拼写错误,语法和草率半形成的句子让你看看马虎。Spelling mistakes, sloppy grammar and half-formed sentences make you look slapdash.

中国的建筑工作可能会很草率,由大陆公司承建的大楼有时会瓦解掉。Chinese construction work can be slapdash and buildings erected by mainland firms have on occasion fallen apart.

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毫无疑问,在汽车爱好者眼中,粗枝大叶的美国汽车在奉行完美主义的德国妥富勒的独具匠心的设计面前应该甘拜下风。Surely slapdash American engineering will be put to shame by the inventive perfectionism of the German Tüftler, car folk mutter.

虽然中国的医疗体系在改善,但是用富裕国家的标准来看,这一体系仍然不合格而且在保护病人的隐私方面粗枝大叶。But China’s health system, though improving, is still shoddy by rich-world standards and slapdash about protecting patients’ privacy.

另一方面,观看制作认真的记录片和时事节目的观众,在人数上远不及环境剧和武打连续剧。Serious documentaries and current affairs television programmes have much less viewers compared with the slapdash sitcoms and gungfu drama serials.

它原来的意思是指过一天算一天,不作长期打算。如今多用来比喻对工作马虎应付,不负责任。With its original meaning of drifting along and not planning for the future, it is added to get works done in a slapdash manner and show no responsibilities.

要求风险投资家对项目注入一定的资本金,可有效防范风险投资家投资的草率行为,并能缩小投资者的代理成本。Asking the venture capitalist to invest his own money to the venture project, this will hold back the capitalist's slapdash behavior and reduce the agent-cost.

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全国餐饮协会发言人表示,这个报告做得有点草率,部分章节是有瑕疵的。因为结论没有考虑到个人的饮食习惯和锻炼程度。A National Restaurant Association spokeswoman said the paper was a "slapdash" piece of work that was flawed because it did not take individual diet and exercise into account.

她完全没有在报告中考虑到会有这样的可能性,正在使用的数据可能会受到某些潜在偏见,那些过劳的警官们的推测,或者草率的文书工作的误导。Nowhere in the report does she consider the possibility that the data she is using may be corrupted by the underlying biases, assumptions or slapdash paperwork of overworked police officers.

一部分原因就是随着进口货物和服务而来的劣质商业行为,比如中国人建房子很马虎,一些由当地公司承建的建筑会偶然地倒塌。To blame, in part, are poor business practices imported alongside goods and services. Chinese construction work can be slapdash and buildings erected by mainland firms have on occasion fallen apart.

在语法上,我的感觉是英国人的英语比美国人的英语要差,我认为美国人真正喜欢语法规则,而我们英国人则很马虎,不在乎是对还是错。"My sense of it is that British English is worse actually than American English. I think Americans really like rules. I think we in Britain are very slapdash and don"t care if we are right or wrong.