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明确你的目标。Visualise your goals.

想象如果克服了这个障碍,自己会有什么样的感觉。Visualise how you will feel when you overcome this obstacle.

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尽管这方法对于某些想象能力差的人有些困难。This might be hard for some people who can’t visualise well, though.

例如,你可以想象自己更苗条,更健康或更富有。You may wish to visualise yourself slimmer, healthier or wealthier for example.

程序,以想象的窗口功能完整的源代码,已经过测试。Programm to visualise the Window Funktion complete source code, has been tested.

“实际上,他只是带领我身临其境般地经历了一次缩胃手术”事后朋友回忆说道。"He actually got me to visualise going through a gastric band operation," she recalls afterwards.

或者你可以想象自己已经取得了某些成就,例如一次晋升或一份新工作。Or you may wish to visualise yourself having achieved something, such as a promotion or a new job.

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通过一些可视化的锻炼,或让自己身临其境,慢慢放松随之而来的情绪和欲望。Visualise the action, or the events leading to it, and release the feelings and desires that come with it.

举个例子,如果在地球上你拥有一副珍贵的油画,而你将只需要观想就能重新创造它。For example if on Earth you have a cherished painting, you will only have to visualise it to re-produce it.

由于分析我们周遭的世界的的新方法被研制出来,就可以由新的方式来形象化我们所需要的信息。As new ways of analysing the world around us are developed, new ways to visualise that information are needed.

它不同的八个指针能让你在一只手上看到不同的国家的时间。This watch allows you to visualise the time in different countries – eight are represented on the single hand.

视觉化一股能量自右脚底开始往左腿处往上盘旋缠绕,并很快的到达王冠处。Visualise the energy spiraling from your right foot, up around your left leg and soon, until it reaches Keter.

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深呼吸、超好的方面想、想想你爱的人,并想着他/她的样子进入面试。Breathe deeply and think positively, visualise someone you love and take that image with you into the interview.

成功孕育成功,所以如果你想象自己取得了某些成绩,那么它将会帮助你做到这一点。Success breeds success, so if you visualise yourself achieving something, then it will help you to do just that.

如果一个人试图想像这东西是什么的模样,你要解决的是一个巨大的袋熊认为类固醇。If one tried to visualise what this thing looked like, you'd have to sort of think of a gigantic wombat on steroids.

图3——直方图,垂直直方图做为电压功能显示了信号密度,并有助于噪音可视化。Fig. 3 – Histogram. A vertical histogram shows the signal density as a function of voltage, and helps to visualise noise.

我发现自己在云山雾罩地说一些自己都不相信的东西,只是为了让他们有正面的想象。I found myself talking about a fluffy-clouds heaven in which I didn't believe because I wanted to give them something positive to visualise.

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语义万维网能有助于将各种复杂的网络可视化并将这些网络组织起来来让用户对社区的网络结构友更深层的了解。The semantic web could help to visualise such complex networks and organise them to allow a deeper understanding of the community's structure.

在第一阶段要完成放松,然后我要想象我的目标,在最后5分钟我会叫醒自己。During the first part I have to completely relax, then I have to visualise my goal and then for the last five minutes I have to wake myself up.

若能进入病人大脑并能基本显现他们所想的事情,那么我们就可展开想像翅膀,思考我们该做的所有事情。We can sail with our imaginations and think about all the things we could do if we had access to a person's brain and basically visualise their thoughts.