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沐浴在温暖的热煤。Bask in the warm hot coals.

你甚至可以沐浴在一丝高尚的荣耀里。And you can even bask in a bit of nobility.

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我们可以自由地享受活着的舒适。We can freely bask in the awareness of being alive.

怯懦的变色龙则在能容它之处寻找荫蔽。Chameleon cowards bask in whatever shade suits them.

在她们每一个人心里,都独有一个小太阳,晒着她们的灵魂。Each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in.

你觉得很自豪,你的朋友和家人也都为她的荣誉感到高兴。You're proud. Your friends and family can bask in her glory.

您和您的蜂蜜,可三五在阳光下,去浮潜,潜水等。You and your honey can bask in the sun, go snorkeling and diving.

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我要走进他,沐浴在他那谦卑至福的阳光下。I will approach him and bask in the sunshine of his humble felicity.

跟你在一起总是让人觉得沐浴在阳光般的温暖中!There is no shortage of those who long to bask in your solar warmth!

蜥蜴和其他冷血生物都会晒晒太阳,以保持温暖。Lizards and other cold-blooded critters bask in the sun to keep warm.

皮肤能晒黑,为什么头发白了晒不黑?。The skin can suntan , why did the head become white bask in not black?

一只河蚌出来晒太阳,被鹬啄住可他的肉。河蚌马上合上双壳钳住了鹬的嘴。Just as a clam came out to bask in the sun, a snipe pecked at its flesh.

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专家建议,枕芯至少每两年换一次,每周都晒一次。Expert proposal, pillow core at least biennially is changed, bask in every week.

这两位老年人坐在湖边望着大湖,晒着太阳,真美!Two aged people sit side of the lake watch the water and bask really comfortble!

虽然他会在雨水中消溶,我却始终沐浴着天廷蓝色的笑容。And I all the while bask in Heaven's blue smile, Whilst he is dissolving in rains.

怪不得涂防晒霜一层又一层,最终还是晒老又晒黑。No wonder Tu Fang basks in frost another, still bask in finally often suntan again.

在夏天,我在这里沐浴阳光,在温和的浪里趟过,思绪与海鸥一起飞翔。In summer, I bask in the sun and wade in gentle waves as my thoughts soar with gulls.

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而且迷迭香很轻易种植,只要多晒太阳,常浇水,就能茁壮成长。And rosemary is cultivated very easily, want to bask more only, often water, can thrive.

霎时间,整个沐城陷入极度恐慌之中,人人自危,尤其是女人。At the moment, the whole city into extreme panic to bask in, sackings, especially women.

其他人则简简单单的在沐浴着阳光的冰斗中放松,在峰峦面前晒晒太阳。Others simply relax in the sun-washed glacial cirque and bask in the presence of the peak.