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这是我的第一次旅行。This was my first outing.

一场小牛必须赢的比赛?A must-win outing for Dallas?

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我们应去哪里踏青?Where shall we go for outing?

开始计划你下次出游。Start planning your next outing.

踏青又叫春游。Outing also known as spring tour.

白雅琳筹划了一个在宜家的五小时游玩计划。Bai mapped out a five-hour outing.

活动回顾★我们的上海动物园亲子秋游!Our autumn outing to Shanghai Zoo!

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他们要一起去春游。They are going for a spring outing.

好的,但是我们外出快迟到了。Ok, but we will late for our outing.

我与朋友去郊游。I'll go on an outing with some friends.

他们当中许多人外出作短途旅游。A number of them departed for an outing.

这次郊游少不了你。We can't go without you for this outing.

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四月份是踏春的好时候。April is a good time to go for an outing.

每周我们会有一次家庭聚餐或郊游。We have one family meal or outing a week.

这次春游,我们去野生动物园玩。We went to safari park for spring outing.

我们不能去秋游了,我们都很伤心。So teacher said we can't go autumn outing.

我们在一个秋高气爽的日子去远足了。We went for an outing on a crisp fall day.

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上周,我们的课堂要春游。Last week, our class want to spring outing.

我们这个星期六要去春游。We will have a spring outing this Saturday.

我完全赞同全家一起出去球场游玩。I'm all for a family outing to the ballpark.