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这是已知的第一个安义肢的人。The first person known to have a prosthesis.

我们给他买了一个轻便的义肢,非常适合他。We bought him a light prosthesis that fit well.

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没有假体下沈和明显偏移。There was no prosthesis subsidence or excursion.

非骨水泥型适用于骨质条件比较好的中青年患者。Cementedless prosthesis can be used for middle-aged or young patients.

利用黄金嵌体修复磨牙牙体缺损,是一种效果良好的修复方法。Golden inlay is a good prosthesis for the restoration of molars defect.

套筒冠修复体的最主要优势是可修补性。The primary advantage of a telescopic prosthesis is its retrievability.

假体设计上讲,球头的直径越大,脱位风险越小。Large ball head of prosthesis can decrease the incidence of dislocation.

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方法经钛合金或金合金铸造核烤瓷冠修复。Method Porcelain-fused prosthesis with the casting core of Ti or Au alloy.

目的探讨前牙根折至龈下铸造冠桩修复的体会。ObjectiveTo probe casting veneer peg prosthesis for anterior remnant root.

目的观察牙半切除术后剩余牙体全冠修复的治疗效果。Objective To evaluate the effects of full crown prosthesis after hemisection.

金属与合金作为口腔修复材料,在口腔临床中应用非常广泛。Dental metals and alloys are widely used in dental restorations and prosthesis.

视觉假体是一种能帮助盲人恢复部分视觉的新科技产物。Visual prosthesis is a new technology which can restore some of the blind vision.

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目的评价简易套筒冠覆盖义齿的临床应用前景。Objective To evaluate the clinical perspective of analogical telescopic prosthesis.

目的对股骨—人工假体之间的界面生物力学进行分析。Objective to analyze the biomechanics of the interface between femora and prosthesis.

初步探讨全冠修复体计算机辅助设计的基本方法。To research the rudimental methods of computer-aided design of full crown prosthesis.

记忆合金无柄股骨假体股骨上的应力分布与正常股骨相近。Ti shape memory alloy stemless femoral prosthesis, and traditional stemmed hip prosthesis.

提出了一种带触觉反馈的肌电假手模糊控制方法。This paper introduces a fuzzy control method for myoelectric prosthesis with tactile sense.

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管腔内表面光滑,表面有一层白色的黏膜覆盖。The internal surfaces of prosthesis were smooth and glossy with white tunica mucosa covered.

高凝状态给机械瓣膜妇女带来了麻烦。The hypercoagulable state poses an extra problem in women with a mechanical valve prosthesis.

金保曾发现一个装假肢的人从自己家里夺门而出,但他却无法证明这一切。Jin-Bao had found a loaded prosthesis Duomen out from their homes, but he can not show it all.