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开始“扫雷”游戏。Begins a game of Minesweeper.

它是被PLA海军操作的唯一适于远航的扫雷舰。It is the only seagoing minesweeper operated by the PLA Navy.

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在经典的空当挑战自己的触觉装置比赛。Challenge yourself in a classic Minesweeper game for touch devices.

如果你从未玩过扫雷游戏,这里是一个快速介绍给它。If you have never played the Minesweeper game, here is a quick intro to it.

然而,这并不意味着员工可以随心所欲无拘无束玩扫雷游戏。That doesn’t mean that employees shouldfeel free to play Minesweeper at will, however.

一款经典的扫雷游戏。游戏开始触摸笑脸开始游戏并计时开始。A classic Minesweeper. Start of the game to start the game smiley face and touch the start time.

这60人中一半获准每天用一小时玩空当接龙或者挖地雷等基本的电脑游戏。Half of them were allowed an hour a day to play basic computer games such as Solitaire and Minesweeper.

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在那时他们除了纸牌游戏和扫雷游戏什么也没得玩。They just couldn't find any besides Solitaire and Minesweeper that they enjoyed in the game marketplace at that time.

在1964年7月11日,6605型“长辛店”、“沙家店”号扫雷舰和一艘01型“衡阳”号护卫舰拦截台湾海军的一艘“满庆升”号运输舰。On 11 July 1964, a Type 6605 minesweeper and a Type 01 frigate intercepted a small transport Manqingsheng of the Taiwanese Navy.

扫雷舰-在这个传奇的游戏,就必须认识到地雷,利用附近的所有领域和马克的危险细胞的旗帜。Minesweeper –in this legendary game you'll have to recognize the mines, using the nearby fields and mark all the dangerous cells with flags.

木质船身的观察者号,在二战时期曾作为扫雷艇服役,如今被改装成一艘可容纳12名乘客的游览艇,在阿拉斯加内海通道的光滑如镜的水面上滑过。Observer, a wooden-hulled, World War II-era minesweeper that has been converted to a 12-passenger cruising yacht, glides through glassy water in Alaska's Inside Passage.

观察者号滑行在阿拉斯加内航道的明净河水中。这是一艘由木质船身的二战时代的扫雷艇改装而成的12人游览艇。Observer, a wooden- hulled , World War II-era minesweeper that has been converted to a 12-passenger cruising yacht, glides through glassy water in Alaska's Inside Passage.

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改进图标,高达16种颜色,经典的消遣游戏——纸牌,红心大战,扫雷舰艇都囊括在3.0版本,我们现在所知的Windows开始成形。With improved icons, a whopping 16 colors, and classic time-wasters Solitaire, Hearts, and Minesweeper all included in version 3.0, the Windows we know started to take shape.

修正的大纲规定,在受到第三国的威胁后,日本可以驰援美国军队,比如向中东派遣扫雷船。Under the revised guidelines, Japan could come to the aid of US forces threatened by a third country or, for example, deploy minesweeper ships to a mission in the Middle East.

在警告射击后6605型“沙家店”号扫雷舰对“满庆升”号射击并且击沉该船,01型“衡阳”号护卫舰击沉了台湾海军在附近的另外一艘“满庆盛”号运输船。After firing few warning shots, the Type 6605 minesweeper opened fire at Manqingsheng and sank the ship, while the Type 01 frigate sank another transport ship of the Taiwanese Navy nearby.

总而言之,我从来没有认真的打过扫雷,也从来没有耐心把所有的地雷全部扫光,好像在记忆中就从来没有打通过。Too bad, this game was known as minesweeper for a reason—there are mines. I get very angry when I get blown up, again and again, and I cannot remember when I finally managed to clock this game.