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池塘像阴沟一样散发着恶臭。The pond stank like a sewer.

他所说的话含有侮辱的意味。What he said stank of insult.

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这屋子闻起来一股臭鱼味。The room stank of decaying fish.

烧糊了肉弄得厨房里全是焦糊味。The burnt meat stank the kitchen out.

悲剧的是他年龄是我的三倍大,而且身上屎臭熏天。Too bad he was three times my age and stank heavily of poo.

在西四十二街上,昏暗的酒吧散发出来苏水味儿。The bar on West Forty-second Street was dim and stank of Lysol.

你认为音乐会怎么样?太糟了,简直就是噪声。How do you like the concert? I'm sorry to say it stank as noise.

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我甚至没有提到尺寸以及任何细节但我仍然遭到了白眼。I didn’t even mention sizes or any details and I still got the stank eye!

有一天晚上我看到了最后那一只,它被母猫吃掉了半截儿,都发臭了。One evening, I found the last one, half eaten by the mother. It stank already.

对于一些英国和大多数波兰人,整个事件都散发着一种可耻的阴谋的味道。For some British and most Poles, the whole episode stank of a shameful cover-up.

讨厌的,穿上你的衣服,你看起来很肮脏。真让人厌恶,你的自尊哪去了?你应该感到羞耻。Nasty, put some clothes on, you lookin' stank. Nasty, where's your pride? You should be ashamed.

我最不能忍受的是是是房间里它陈旧香烟烟雾发臭,真的很讨厌。My overriding feeling about the room was that it stank of stale cigarette smoke which I really hate.

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为了让参议院通过法案,民主党人需要拒绝腐败的权钱交易。To get the Senate bill passed, Democratic leaders had to cut special deals that stank of corruption.

当时荷耶斯沃达的妇产科医院里缺乏尿布,年轻的母亲们身上臭烘烘的。For young mothers it truly stank -- due to a shortage of diapers in the Hoyerswerda Women's Hospital.

他是个可耻的家伙,我不知道他过去有过犯罪记录,我只知道他是一个搞黑市买卖、满身铜臭的下流坯子。He was a nasty bit of work. I don't know that he had a criminal record, but the blighter stank of black market.

如果我可以避免,我会那样做,但我先要为我的糟糕行为以及那样对待你而道歉。If I could escape, I would but first of all, let me say I must apologize for acting stank and treating you this way.

罗文将席恩从在树下祈祷的北方人身边拉开,躲到营房后面一个隐秘的地点,旁边有个暖泥泊散发出臭鸡蛋的味道。Rowan pulled Theon away from the north-men praying before the tree, to a secluded spot back by the barracks wall, beside a pool of warm mud that stank of rotten eggs.