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其他人相当程度上死于窒息。The others died in part from asphyxiation.

窒息8分钟产生了心脏骤停没有血流5分钟。Apneic asphyxiation of 8 min yielded CA with no flow of 5 min.

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最后,法定死因为偶然性窒息死亡。The official cause of death was eventually ruled to be accidental asphyxiation.

起火、爆炸和窒息是同操作氢相联系的危险。The hazards associated with handling hydrogen are fire, explosion, and asphyxiation.

据该机构统计,2003年至2005年共有20起风扇引发窒息死亡事件发生。According to the advisory, there were 20 cases of fan asphyxiation between 2003 and 2005.

为防止救援人员窒息,要求配备自给式呼吸器。Self-contained breathing apparatus may be required to prevent asphyxiation of rescue workers.

请牢记那些发生在10到11岁孩子身上的由玩具引起窒息的伤害和死亡事件。Remember that many injuries and deaths from toy asphyxiation happen to kids as old as 10 or 11.

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听到他的声音,童悦的心被一把巨大的铁钳钳住了,疼到窒息。The voice that hears him, kid Yue's heart drive on alive huge steel pliers pliers, bitter arrive asphyxiation.

同氮相联系的危险是窒息和在容器和系统里的高压。The hazards associated with nitrogen are asphyxiation and the high pressure of the gas in containers and systems.

但过了这一时间段,由于缺乏氧气,人体将迅速失去意识,最后窒息而死。After 15 or so seconds, the lack of oxygen causes unconsciousness which eventually leads to death by asphyxiation.

每年,数不清的员工因为窒息、高空坠落原因死于筒仓、搅拌筒或者密闭的料仓中。Each year, countless operators die from asphyxiation or fatal falling inside a silo, a drum or an enclosed hopper.

而晚些时候卡米拉也在医院去世,和辛德拉尔一样,死于二氧化碳窒息,而这些二氧化碳来自于一个出故障的炉子。She died later in hospital, the victim, like Sindelar, of asphyxiation by carbon monoxide fumes from a faulty heater.

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一些研究说,犯人有时可能未被充分麻醉,或许因为窒息而愤怒无声地死去。Some studies suggest that prisoners are sometimes inadequately sedated, and perhaps die in silent agony from asphyxiation.

一些研究说,犯人有时可能未被充分麻醉,或许因为窒息而愤怒无声地死去。Some studies suggest that prisoners are sometimes inadequately sedated, and perhaps die in silent agony from asphyxiation.

对很多上海人来说,多年来的疏于维护和过度拥挤,早已把里弄生活的亲睦变成了令人窒息的感受。For many Shanghainese, the decades of neglect and overcrowding have turned the lilong's intimacy into something more like asphyxiation.

当它被身体吸收后,它能中断身体器官的机能,让身体麻痹成僵尸状,最终你将死于窒息。When consumed it can shut down organs in the human body, leading to a zombie-like state of paralysis and eventual death by asphyxiation.

柯比让李拉用自己的录音机放音乐——王子的紫雨,而他在驶过火山的时候却从来不开关于火焰、窒息和烧伤之类的玩笑。Kirby let her play her music on his tape deck, Prince’s Purple Rain, and he drove by volcanoes without joking about fire or asphyxiation or burns.

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质地疏松,有对人体有害的残渣脱落,燃烧时产生大量剧毒氰化气体,少量吸入即可使人窒息。Texture osteoporosis, the loss of poisonous residue, burning a large amount of highly toxic cyanide gas, a small amount of inhaled can be asphyxiation.

DEET不仅会对昆虫的脑部和神经系统起作用,甚至还会使得昆虫窒息而造成神经麻痹直至死亡。DEET also acts on the brains and nervous systems of insects and, in extreme cases, can cause paralysis and eventual death by asphyxiation in the insects.

提高如下警惕,以防止窒息、起火、爆炸、高压和错误操作压缩气体钢瓶造成的伤害。Take the following precautions to prevent injuries caused by asphyxiation , fire, explosion, high pressure, and improper handling of compressed gas cylinders.