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身体字母表。Body alphabet.

我给你带字母汤来了。I brought you alphabet soup.

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在字母表上M在N的前面。M precedes N in the alphabet.

求教“现在,我大爱'L'这个字母。Now, I love 'L' this alphabet.

你能倒背英语字母表吗?Can you say the alphabet backward?

在字母表中AB是头两个字母。The letters AB begin the alphabet.

你能倒念英文字母吗?Can you say the alphabet backwards?

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如果我可以改写字母表的话。If I could re-arrange the alphabet.

你能倒著念字母表吗?。Can you say the alphabet backwardly?

字母表与拼音问题。Alphabet and transcription questions.

美国夏威夷文有12个字母。The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

字母表里有26个字母。There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

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我是字母表里第九个。I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

每个字母都有书法集大小。Each calligraphy alphabet has a set size.

我们称这种新字母表为盲人用点字法。We will call this new alphabet 'Braille'.

因此,必须替换字母So, you've got to go up the alphabet here.

你应当先熟记字母表。You should memorize the alphabet at first.

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你能倒背英文字母表吗?Can you say the English alphabet backwards?

Omega是希腊字母表中的最后一个字母。Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

的O是字母键字母的安色尔字体。The O is the key letter of the Uncial alphabet.