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电信业能否重新振兴?。Can Telecom Industry Re-collect?

电信业就是个例子。One example is the telecom industry.

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l999年从中国电信中分离出来。L999 years separated from China telecom.

电信运营商手中的一着妙棋?。IPTV, the Wise Move for Telecom Operators?

中国网通与中国电信共享FNAL海缆。It shares the FNAL cable with China Telecom.

世界电信展将于2009年在日内瓦举行。TELECOM WORLD will be held in Geneva in 2009.

而这就是全球电信市场的规模。That is the size of the global telecom market.

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一年之后,全球电信市场崩溃。A year later the global telecom market collapsed.

今天下午我要去见电信局的一位经理。I'm going to see a Telecom director this afternoon.

朗讯公司仔细地分析了电信市场。Lucent Company carefully analyzed the telecom market.

下面我们就来看看中国电信宽带资费情况。Below we have a look at China Telecom broadband charges.

欠费问题一直是电信面临的一个严重问题。Arrearage in telecom has long been a frustrating problem.

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湖州市电信虚拟银行管理系统的实现。Realization of the Huzhou Telecom Virtual Banking System.

如今,索马里有着非洲大陆最优质的电信服务。Now, Somalia has telecom services among the best inAfrica.

该方法已经在上海电信的SFS中使用。This method has been used in the SFS for Shanghai Telecom.

电信板块很有可能成为下一个热炒的板块。Telecom stocks have potential to become the next market focus.

香港电讯业故事免费附送本,送完即止。While stock last for the free copies of HK Telecom Story Book.

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城市电讯计划下月加入收费电视市场。City Telecom plans to enter the pay-television market next month.

今天在加纳,每2人中就有1人使用电信服务。In Ghana today, one in two people has access to telecom services.

中国电信宽带是中国电信的一个重要业务。China Telecom broadband is an important business of China telecom.