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你如何解开这些矛盾呢?How do you disentangle those?

这束毛线解不开。This skein of wool won't disentangle.

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起绒机是用来解开纤维的。A teaser is used to disentangle the fibers.

你把绳子抖动抖动,让它慢慢松开。Shake your rope and let it disentangle gradually.

分清真理和谬误有时很难。It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.

为了区分开两条路径,我们首先考虑裂解循环。To disentangle the two pathways, first consider just the lytic cycle.

将伤者的脚从残骸中解脱出来,并移至靠近出口处。Disentangle the person's feet from the wreckage and bring the feet foward to exit.

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世界主义被认为很难摆脱犹太主义的色彩。Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti-semitism.

他的妻子感到心中有愧,曾试图摆脱她的情夫。With a guilty conscience, the man's wife tried to disentangle herself from her lover.

第一,要完全区分大法官的政治倾向与其司法理念是一件困难的事情。First, it is difficult to disentangle a justice’s political preferences from his or her judicial philosophy.

可增加或减弱双模相干光场间纠缠度,但无法使双模间完全退纠缠。The entanglement of the two-mode field will increase or decrease, but it's impossible to disentangle completely.

法国外长洛朗•法比尤斯告诉新闻频道BFMTV,“政府的优先要务是化解欧洲的危机。"The priority is to disentangle the crisis in Europe, " Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told news channel BFMTV.

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她们智慧的遗产是如此难以区分,以至于Scopus将其分入了超过60个不同的群中。Their intellectual heritage is so hard to disentangle that Scopus cuts it up into more than 60 different clusters.

与其同时,拉康试图将精神分析学从其心理学以及规范化趋势中解放出来。At the same time, Jacques Lacan strove to disentangle psychoanalysis from all its psychological and normative tendencies.

但在中国,奢侈品牌却没有推出类似举措,将自己和那些可能稀释品牌资产的客户划清界限。Luxury brands in China have not made similar efforts to disentangle themselves from clients that could dilute their brand equity.

人们普遍认为,系统问题本身是相互联系,相互包含的,因此要想把他们解开是不可能的。The systemic problems themselves are now understood to be so interconnected and embedded in each other that they are impossible to disentangle.

“科学的意义”是一项独立的慈善信托项目,其发言人说,科学家和教育工作者要善于理顺宗教信仰与科学证据之间的关系,这一点非常重要。A spokesman for Sense about Science, an independent charitable trust, said it was important for scientists and educators to disentangle religious belief from evidence.

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通常很难把政府的商业利益与其作为产业管理者、法院发薪者、税收征收者和经济政策制订者的身份区分开来。It is often hard to disentangle the government's commercial interests from its roles as industry regulator, paymaster for courts, tax collector and economic policymaker.

利益与意识形态经常以一种极为微妙的交织在一起,难于分开--前者的实现往往得益于后者对我们潜移默化的影响。Interests and ideology often interact in ways so subtle that is difficult to disentangle them, the influence of interests being achieved through an unconsciously accepted ideology.

选此题一方面可以对这一长达18年的运动做一梳理,更重要的是,希望通过对运动过程的详细考察来深化对政治动员的认识。Select the subject on the one hand can disentangle this movement for 18 years, and, more importantly, I hope that through the movement of the expedition to raise awareness of political mobilization.