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还有什么叫巫毒主题?What's with the voodoo theme?

我忘不了我的巫毒娃娃。I can't forget my voodoo doll.

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那个伏都人偶也不见了。The voodoo doll was gone as well.

为什麽我的巫毒娃娃没有用?Why isn't my voodoo doll working?

巫毒老二,回你的盒子!Voodoo dick, get back in your box!

所以你可以把小针按进那个巫毒娃娃So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll

巫毒老二就冲向她的跨下、开始了活塞运动。The voodoo dick shot to her crotch and started pumping.

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本公司已经在大量生产巫毒娃娃。The company has a large number of production voodoo doll.

我马上向地上看去,看到了我的伏都人偶。I looked to the ground instantly, and I saw my voodoo doll.

僵尸一词来源于海地和新奥尔良伏都教起源。The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins.

巫毒老二停了下来、飘回它的盒子,然后再也不动。The voodoo dick stopped, floated back to the box and lay there, quiescent once more.

他十月份的时候就已经去法庭要求禁止销售影射他的伏都娃娃。He went to court in October demanding a ban on sales of a voodoo doll representing him.

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根据古代的伏都教和民间传说,诞生了如“行尸走肉”等电影。Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like the Walking Dead were born.

在我们海地之游中最有趣的一天,我有幸观看了伏都教的舞蹈仪式。On the most interesting day of the trip, I got the chance to observe voodoo in practice.

他们还嘲笑磁浮技术,说是像巫毒邪法仪式。Then they mocked the idea of using magnetic levitation rail like it was some sort of Voodoo ritual.

一位海地的巫毒教徒在梭维南斯的哥乃维独立域举行的仪式中祈祷。Haitian Voodoo believer prays during a ceremony outside Gonaive in Souvenance, Haiti, April 16, 2006.

三个魔法师也没闲着,他们都拿出了法杖,开始默念咒语。Three sorcery teachers too have no carefree, they all took out method Zhang and began reciting voodoo.

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尽管如此,巫毒教专家声称这一方式已经广泛被外人误解和误操作。However, voodoo experts say the practice has been widely misunderstood and misrepresented by outsiders.

现在祖阿曼掉落的小巫毒面具只能贪婪了,因为没有任何一个职业可以用到它。The Miniature Voodoo Mask dropped in Zul'Aman is now a Greed-only item. No class can roll Need on this item.

护身符,驱邪符。一种巫毒长期随身带在身上的避邪物,常为装着一至两种神奇物小法兰绒袋。An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo.