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格列佛的小人国的人?Were the Lilliputians of Gulliver?

格列佛如何逃出小人国?。How does Gulliver escape from the Lilliputians?

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但是正如格利佛发现的那样,这有其不利之处。But as Gulliver discovered, it has its drawbacks.

小人国人对格列佛的指控主要是哪些?。What are the main charges brought against Gulliver by the Lilliputians ?

格列佛纪行首要讲述了主人公的游览历程,很是有趣儿。Gulliver"s Travels, focuses on the hero"s tour history, very interesting.

格列佛被当作小玩艺装入手提箱里,带到各城镇扮演展览。Gulliver as little thing in a suitcase, to the town of performance exhibition.

他会象格列弗在里里普特那样,被无数矮小的人治服。He is like Gulliver at Liliput overwhelmed by an enormous number of a little men.

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格列佛被该国国民特别建造的大型推车载到城市的首都。Gulliver is taken into the capital city by a vast wagon the Lilliputians have specially built.

当敌人来欺负小人国时,格列佛用高大的身体帮助他们打跑了敌人。When the enemies invaded the land of tiny people, Gulliver defeated the enemy with his huge body.

每一处微缩景观看起来都非常逼真,让人不由得开始感觉自己好像成了身处小人国中的格列佛。And every one of them looks so real that you'll start to feel like Gulliver in the land of the Lilliputians.

同时,汇丰银行股价上涨对CEO斯图亚特•格利佛的影响也比表象更深远。But, in the meantime, the bank's stock jump could carry more long-term meaning for CEO Stuart Gulliver than it may seem.

格列佛第二次在小人国站起来时,是在喝下放了安眠药的酒喝醉了之后。The second time Gulliver wakes up in Lilliput, it is after passing out, having drunk wine laced with a sleeping-draught.

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虽然不指望不久后能随时见到图书医疗,Gulliver非常认同很多酒店错过了一种书籍策略。While not expecting to see bibliotherapists any time soon, Gulliver heartily agrees that many hotels are missing a bookish trick.

同时,银行CEO斯图亚特•格利佛眼下似乎正在按部就班地执行今年五月宣布的削减成本和关注增长市场的计划。CEO Stuart Gulliver also looks like he's making good on his plan to cut costs and focus on growth markets, announced this past May.

考虑到集团的低风险形象以及集中于新兴市场的策略,汇丰把欧智华彻底地打造成一个不一样的银行家。But HSBC can fairly portray Mr Gulliver as a different kind of banker, given the group’s low risk profile and emerging markets focus.

哪个孩子不知道勇敢的水手格列佛周游各地,一会儿变成巨人,一会儿又变成小小人儿的故事呢?What child does not know the story of the brave sailor Gulliver as he travels through lands in which he is at turn both a giant and a midget?

哪个孩子不知道勇敢的水手格列佛周游各地,一会儿变成巨人,一会儿又变成小小人儿的故事呢?What child does not know the story of the brave sailor Gulliver as the travels through lands in which he is at turn both a giant and a midget?

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大约三年以前,格列佛先生在故乡诺丁汉郡的尼互克附近买了一小块田产,带着一座宽敞、舒适的房子。About three years ago Mr. Gulliver made a small purchase of land, with a convenient house, near Newark in Nottingham shire, his native country.

但欧智华可能会冒犯亚洲官员,尤其是欢迎汇丰将重心重新转移至香港的中国官员。But Mr Gulliver risks offending Asian officials, particularly in China, who had applauded HSBC's move to shift its centre of gravity back to Hong Kong.

一个好奇的小人要研究他昏睡时的结构,把半截长枪的尖端伸向他的鼻孔时把他弄痒了,他狠狠地打了个喷嚏。A curious Lilliputian, inspecting his comatose form, puts the sharp end of his half-pike a good way up his nostril. It tickles. Gulliver sneezes violently.