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壕沟被用砖覆盖起来了。The trench was bricked over.

他们重新夺回了堑壕。They recaptured their trench.

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其中一个坑已经被填满了。One trench had already been filled.

战壕中的他将在夜暗前死去。In the trench he will die before nightfall.

他将手榴弹呈圆弧形地抛进敌人的战壕。He looped the hand grenade into the enemy trench.

它可以和条纹衫以及双排扣大衣搭配。Pair them with a striped shirt and a trench coat.

部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。The troops received orders to trench the outpost.

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战士们用机关枪向战壕内扫射。The soldiers raked the trench with machine-gun fire.

他们挖沟以阻止森林大火蔓延。They dig trench to keep the forest fire from spread.

电缆沟必须采取防水措施。Cable Trench should be taken water-proofing measures.

自行车轮胎可以在钢索的深槽里滑动。The bike tires follow a deep trench on a steel track.

调查人员发现一条沟中有人的尸体。Investigators found a trench containing human remains.

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有时候我在想,在濠头中学我得到了什么?Sometimes I wonder, in trench head high school I got what?

你至少需要在150毫米高的地基上挖一条地沟。You need a trench for the foundations at least 150mm high.

就是一个干了的沟,没有水,现在有水了。It's a trench that used to be dry, but now has water in it.

士兵将一枚手榴弹呈弧形抛进敌方掩蔽壕里。The soldier looped a grenade into the enemy shelter trench.

是的,我的确有一件扎皮带的风衣,但是很多人都有。Yes, I do have a belted trench coat, but lots of people do.

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截止目前为止,发掘的探方最深1.5米。Up until now, the deepest excavated trench is 1.5m in depth.

马里亚那海沟是地球最深的地方。The Marianna Trench is the deepest part of the Earth's surface.

土壤标本来自于一个大概2寸深的沟渠。The soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep.