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这将是个弥天大谎。It's going to be a whopper.

华勃吃惊地跳了起来。Whopper jumped in surprise.

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华勃又继续往家走。Whopper went on his way home.

华勃站在门口。Whopper was standing in the doorway.

然而,从地缘政治的角度看,这绝对是影响巨大。But in geopolitical terms, it is a whopper.

一个德州巨无霸汉堡会让你更强壮A Texas Double Whopper will make you stronger.

要是她那么说的,她就是说了个大瞎话。If she said that, she was telling a real whopper.

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这个朋友名叫乔治,比华勃大三岁。His name was George. He was three years older than Whopper.

院子里的每个人都停下话来听华勃说话。Everybody in the yard stopped talking and listened to Whopper.

幸运的是,我只是每个月见她一次,免得自己变成一个庞然大物。Fortunately I only pay her a visit about once a month, lest I be a whopper.

在准备向小姑子扯这个弥天大谎的时候我紧张得心直跳。My heart bangs in my chest as I prepare to tell my sister-in-law a whopper.

奈特莉接下来的角色很小,但是这个电影绝对是个大家伙。Knightley's next role was pretty small, but the movie was an absolute whopper.

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这只小狗狗很友善,但是华勃因为胆子小,因此很怕它。The puppy was very friendly. But Whopper was afraid of it because he was a coward.

华勃碰到难题。他想说出真相,但是这对他而言却很困难。Whopper had a problem. He tried to tell the truth but it was very difficult for him.

他们都在谈论彼得。当华勃走近时,每个人都看着他。They were talking about Peter. When Whopper went near the people, they looked at him.

这个大家伙可以长到1.8米高,白色的花朵像大铃铛。This whopper may well grow more than 1.8m tall and has white flowers like huge bells.

2011年7月,网飞向所有用户宣布了一项大幅提价计划。Netflix announced a whopper of a price increase to all of its customers in July of 2011.

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华勃听了乔治的话后,他一语不发,并把右手放在他的乌青上面。When Whopper heard George's words, he said nothing and put his right hand on his blue mark.

华勃吃惊地跳了起来。一只小黑狗从树丛中跑出来,摇着尾巴。Whopper jumped in surprise. A black puppy came out of the bushes. The dog was wagging its tail.

华勃又想改变他的说法,但是想起了乔治,所以他还是决定说实话。Whopper wanted to change his story again, but he thought of George and decided to tell the truth.