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不过,这一品牌足以激励公司早期的员工。Still, the brand was enough to energise its early hires.

有的颜色能帮助你放松心情,而另一些颜色能赋予你活力,使你变得兴奋。There are colors to help you relax and others to energise and excite.

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我们需要将这些钱输血我们的经济并创造就业机会。We need to divert that money to energise our economy and create jobs!

这位八十多岁的领导人还说他现在要到各县巡视,对他们党进行动员。The octogenarian leader said he will now visit districts to energise his party.

要让员工充满活力,你之企业需要之是空降临时管理团队吗?Is a burst of interim management what your business needs to energise the workforce?

如果继续的担心就只是把恐惧再次的充能,这是绝对需要避免的。By doing so will only continue to energise the same fears again, that is clearly to be avoided.

配合按摩能有效去除死皮,更可促进血液循环,令肌肤散发健康气息。The massaging and exfoliating actions energise the skin to boost circulation for a glowing healthy-looking complexion.

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来自柯尔科塔的印度电影制片人芮恩高对新德里电视台说“电影的成功将激励整个印度的制片人,演员和导演们。Reengo, a film-maker from Kolkata, told NDTV that "the success will energise producers, actors and directors all over India.

如果你的目标无法激发你坚持下去,也不能激励你投入行动和趋势,然而,我不认为这个目标你还能坚持很久。If the goal doesn’t motivate you to get up, energise you to get into action and get into momentum, then I don’t think it will take you a long way.

债转股是我国为化解金融风险,搞活国有大中型企业的重要战略举措。To shift-debt-to-share is an important strategic means by which China can resolve the financial risks and energise the middle-and-large-scaled state-owned enterprises.

为达到这个目标,我们需坚持以市场为导向的改革,激发市场活力,调动人民积极性和创造力,加大开放力度。To achieve this goal, we need to stay the course on market-orientated reform, energise the market, motivate the people, bring out their ingenuity and open China still wider to the outside world.

活力重现模式的舒适振动功能,可刺激主要穴位,不仅能促进血液循环,更能帮您舒解疲惫。搭配轻柔的自然天籁音乐,能有效放松心情、恢复活力。The ENERGISE programme's vibration massage stimulates vital acupressure points to improve circulation and reduce fatigue, while the NATURE music recharges the mind effectively to boost energy levels.