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桑斯把刘先生和一位电影制作者相比较。Sans compares Liu to a filmmaker.

毫无疑问他也是个电影制作人。And also a filmmaker. Oh, that's right.

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把你的脚本交给制片人.Hand your script over to the filmmaker.

电影制片人泰伦斯马利克是不育。Filmmaker Terrence Malick is not prolific.

谢立文是一位香港作家和导演。Brian Tse is a Hong Kong-based author and filmmaker.

记录了美国制片人罗伯特·奥尔特曼生活与工作。A look at the life and work of American filmmaker Robert Altman.

一个来自希腊的纪录片拍摄者来采访我的工作。A documentary filmmaker from Greece was interviewing me about my work.

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他是我们的电影人联络官,也是新北京国际电影交流网的主要志愿者。Peter Salladé is a filmmaker liaison and chief volunteer at the NBIMF.

而且把四溅的鲜血用慢镜头来加以美化。The filmmaker splatters the scene with his love for the movies, comic.

蒂洛伦佐谈到了制片人和自由牛虻迈克尔·摩尔。DiLorenzo's subject was the filmmaker and liberal gadfly Michael Moore.

作者记录了克里斯黛的一段生活故事与回忆。The filmmaker recorded a piece of life stories and memories of Kristel.

我有位朋友,他是意大利一个具有非凡艺术敏感的制片商。I have a friend who’s an Italian filmmaker of great artistic sensibility.

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后来陆川的助理透露给记者这个电影工作者就是鄢颇。Lu's assistant later told a reporter that the "filmmaker" referred to Yan.

享有盛誉的电影导演达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基执导了最新即将在怀俄明州上映的广告片。Acclaimed filmmaker Darren Aronofsky directed the latest TV ads in Wyoming.

海底探险家雅克库斯托,死于巴黎和导演87岁。Jacques Cousteau, the underwater explorer and filmmaker dies in Paris at age 87.

电影制作人刘登立目前在拍摄有关黄土高原水土保持项目的纪录片。John D. Liu is a filmmaker whose current project is China's Sorrow, Earth's Hope.

另一个巨大的灵感,是屡获殊荣的香港导演王家卫的工作。Another huge inspiration is award-winning Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kar Wai's work.

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一方面,你可以看到一个宽屏幕电影的制片人计划做。For one thing, you can see the movie on a wide screen as the filmmaker plans to do.

他们绝对预料不到,她立志要成为一名独立的电影制作人。The notion that she aspires to be an independent filmmaker is alien to their minds.

他与导演克里斯的Nanos合作增加了另一个页面转向的转折。That he collaborated with filmmaker Chris Nanos adds yet another page-turning twist.