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非常有名的病毒学家曾断言病毒是死物,你相信吗?A great virologist declared that the virus is nonliving, do you believe?

明尼苏达大学的病毒学家路易斯·曼斯凯说此研究的成功希望很小。Louis Mansky, a virologist at the University of Minnesota, says that risk is minimal.

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Marx说,他是杜兰灵长类中心的一个病毒学家和科学杂志的论文作家。Marx, a virologist at the Tulane primate center and an author of the paper in Science.

“我们必须为未来做准备”,国际马铃薯中心的科学家扬·克鲁兹说。"We must be prepared for the future, " said virologist Jan Kreuze, a scientist at CIP.

1973年,病毒学家曾毅院士发现了鼻咽癌与EB病毒感染之间的关系。In 1973, virologist Zeng Yi revealed a link between NPC and Epstein-Barr virus infection.

一个由密歇根大学病毒学家凯思琳·科林斯带领的研究小组安恩·阿伯已经发现了HIV生存在骨髓里的证据。A team led by virologist Kathleen Collins of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, now has evidence that HIV hangs out inside bone marrow.

蒙大纳州大学病毒学家Halford在Bozeman称,使用亚单位法的问题是效力不能持久。The problem with the subunit approach is that its effects don't last, said William Halford, a virologist at Montana State University, in Bozeman.

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伦敦帝国理工学院的病毒学家杰弗里·史密斯说,尽管对痘苗病毒进行了很多研究,研究人员却忽视了这种病毒生态中一个奇怪的特征。Despite all of this study, researchers have missed a curious feature of the virus's biology, says virologist Geoffrey Smith of Imperial College London.

在英国爱丁堡大学病毒学学家安德鲁·拉姆鲍特带领下,这批研究者呼吁尽快对猪群进行追踪调查以鉴别各种危险的疾病。The researchers, led by virologist Andrew Rambaut at University of Edinburgh, called for better tracking of pig populations to identify dangerous diseases sooner.

几个月后,中国香港特别行政区香港大学病毒学家管轶博士对再次出现的严重急性呼吸道综合征疫情进行了调查。A few months later, virologist Yi Guan from the University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, China, investigated a renewed outbreak of SARS.

病毒学家正在登革热实验室检验方面支持卫生部,帮助收集和确认传播的主要菌株。The virologist is supporting the Ministry in laboratory detection of dengue and helping with the collection and identification of the predominant strain in circulation.

理查德我们有个疑问,每次流感大流行的间隔时间内,这种病毒藏身于何处?One of the challenges is where does this virus persist between pandemics? said virologist Richard Slemons of Ohio State University, who has studied bird flu for 35 years.

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这项研究是在香港大学病毒学家、微生物学教授管轶的带领下进行的,他表示,这一新的毒株不太可能是由病毒变异造成的。Guan Yi, a virologist and professor of microbiology at the University of Hong Kong who led the research, said that the new strain is unlikely to be caused by viral mutation.

“我们需要对这些生物体进行研究,这样才能更好地了解它们,想出治疗的办法,”布里斯托尔大学动物病毒学家菲利普·达弗斯说。"We need to carry out research on these organisms so we can understand them better and produce ways of treating them, " says Prof Philip Duffus, an animal virologist at Bristol University.

听到布伦伯格的发现,病毒学家纽约血液中心的阿尔弗莱德亲王在20世纪60年代中期开始了一项实验,将最终确定澳大利亚抗原与肝炎之间的联系。Hearing of Blumberg's findings, virologist Alfred Prince of the New York Blood Center started an experiment in the mid-1960s that would eventually confirm the link between Aa and hepatitis.

中国疾病预防控制中心病毒研究所的轮状病毒疫苗专家方肇寅相信,中国科学家和疫苗生产企业有能力降低轮状病毒疫苗的成本。Fang Zhaoyan, a virologist at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, believes Chinese scientists and vaccine makers have the capacity to lower costs of the rotavirus vaccine.