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让我们以一个非常简单的例子来说明。Lets start with a vert simple example.

这些都是街,公园,垂直,滑道及平地。These are Street, Park, Vert , Trails and Flatland.

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垂直自行车相对较重的稳定性和控制。Vert bikes are relatively heavy for stability and control.

在垂直,列弗,将作为分类超短距起落飞机。The VERT -LEVS are to be classified as SUPER STOL aircraft.

首先,他们开始使用半管和垂直坡道滑板。First, they started with half-pipe and vert ramp skateboarding.

你的弹跳能力很有名。那么你垂直起跳的高度有多少?You're known for your leaping ability. What's your actual vert?

VERT下降金币就像一个大顾,但并不需要鱼类食物才能生存。VERT drops gold coins just like a large guppy, but doesn't need fish food to survive.

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理论创新必须遵循科学的方法论原则,理论创新的最终目的是转化为实践创新。The ultimate object of theoretical innovation is to con- vert to practical innovation.

实际上通过这个工具你可以在屏幕上任何你想要的地方精确创造每个点和每个面。You actually really creating every vert and every face exactly where you want it on the screen.

但是很多时候从平面或者多边形甚至只是一个点做起都会使工作容易很多。But a lot of times its just easer to start from a plane or a polygon or even just creating a vert.

最后,提出了采用动态任务调度策略的并行验证技术以解决状态遍历问题。Finally, parallel vert flea non technique for STG traverse which use dynamic task schedule is described.

该算法已被编制成相应的计算机软件EFFORT,其有效性通过实例得到验证。The algorithms are implemented in the computer program EFFORT. Its validity is vert fied by illustrative examples.

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好垂直目标轻型电动车是研究,设计和开发成本有效的解决潜在的和现实的质量体系州际运输。Well the goal of VERT -LEV is to research, design, and develop a cost effective solution to a potential and realistic mass interstate transportations system.

其中有一个叫吉利的姑娘,十分美丽,不少小伙子都向她表示爱意,但她偏偏只爱上一个穷苦渔民阿祥。The girls were as pretty as flowers. One of them called "Jily" was vert beautiful and many boys showed the love to her. But she only loved a poor fisherman, Ah Xiang.

这种超短距起落动力学性能特点将允许特殊转向低尾气排放的飞机将于现有建筑物之上的全新的垂直轻型电动车机场。This SUPER STOL dynamics performance characteristic will allow for special VEER-LEV aircrafts to be built on top of existing buildings as totally new VERT LEV airports.