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红南国的皇太后。Kounan Country's Empress dowager.

倒是让皇太后看笑话了。Pour is show empress dowager joke.

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西太后本人当时并非是无能为力的。Even the Dowager had not been as incompetent.

慈禧非常兴奋她的生日礼物。The Empress Dowager was thrilled by her present.

皇太后开口,谁敢不从。The empress dowager opens mouth, who defiance not from.

在位君主的母亲,先王的遗孀。A queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign.

我以为皇太后是这个世界的女王。I had thought that our Empress Dowager was Queen of the world.

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慈禧太后吃了这精美的点心之后,很满意。After eating the fine snack, Empress Dowager Cixi was fairly satisfied.

裴洪叫皇后为皇太后,你们听见了?Pei Hong greeted the Empress as Empress Dowager. Did you all hear that?

英勇和禀赋是潜行者下给衣衫褴褛的富孀的赌注。The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.

这样的历程听起来,是否很像某个曾经倾国倾城的女明星?This process sounds, it was like an Empress Dowager of the female stars?

皇太后的花园及行宫是从不曾凋谢的一支带露玫瑰。Empress Dowager of the palace and gardens from the withers not a dewy rose.

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在萨克森公爵夫人太后科堡与哥达继续居住在科堡。The Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha continued to reside in Coburg.

自从西太后废除旧科举制度,他就心灰意懒了。When the Dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade.

每个版面背面有太后的皇家会标。Each panel has on its reverse side the royal monogram of the Dowager Empress.

舌间搁浅的妙蔓,是想为你舞一曲最后倾国倾城。Stranded wonderful spread tongue, is like a song you dance the last empress dowager.

清朝慈禧太后垂帘听政几十年。The Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty attended to state affairs for several decades.

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在这一系列复杂心态影响下,慈禧开启了新政改革的阀门。These complicated psychology urged to Empress Dowager to start NewPolicy Reform of Late Qing.

舌间搁浅的妙蔓,是想为你舞一曲最后倾国倾城。Stranded wonderful spread between the tongue, is like a song you dance the last empress dowager.

墨尔本是座落在一条奔腾倾泻、泥沙俱下的河流两岸的一座可爱的南方华贵古城?Melbourne--dear old dowager of the south sitting on the banks of a river which flows upside-down?